FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | Tsparkz2006 | FIFA


Tsparkz2006's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
Tsparkz2006 Draft 1 euroqtr1 79 87 166 8,117 2017-02-16 16
BPL Draft Attempt 1 17 100 86 186 9,880 2017-07-04 17
La Liga Draft Attempt 1 17 97 85 182 9,461 2017-07-04 17
Bundesliga Draft Attempt 1 17 95 86 181 9,449 2017-07-04 17
La Liga Draft Attempt 2 17 100 85 185 9,728 2017-07-06 17
La Liga Draft Attempt1 17 100 86 186 9,840 2017-07-15 17
SanchezMessi Draft 17-puzzle1 84 89 173 8,794 2017-07-15 17
KoscielnyBalotelli Draft 17-puzzle2 83 86 169 8,414 2017-07-15 17
La Liga Draft Attempt 3 17 100 87 187 9,940 2017-07-16 17
Finns Random Draft 1 17 63 86 149 6,710 2017-08-06 17
Harrys Random Draft 1 17 68 84 152 6,928 2017-08-06 17
Finns Random Draft 2 17 75 85 160 7,588 2017-08-06 17
Harrys Random Draft 2 17 71 86 157 7,329 2017-08-06 17
Finns Random Draft 3 17 77 86 163 7,909 2017-08-06 17
Harrys Random Draft 3 17 83 86 169 8,476 2017-08-06 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-wildcard 100 89 189 10,270 2017-08-13 17
Subscribe to Tsparkz2006 18-atletico-chelsea 100 84 184 9,703 2017-09-30 18
Suscribe to my youtube channel 18-england-germany 99 84 183 9,526 2017-11-16 18