FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | ErkanKoyar | FIFA


ErkanKoyar's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
fuck 17-nolegends 81 84 165 8,011 2017-02-03 17
babanisilem 17-legend 87 86 173 8,761 2017-02-03 17
yarramn basi 17-legend 98 85 183 9,588 2017-02-03 17
hayatmeniyidrafti 17 100 87 187 9,985 2017-02-03 17
daha iyisi be aq 17-legend 100 85 185 9,769 2017-02-03 17
en iyisi 17-legend 96 86 182 9,533 2017-02-03 17
iyi gideri var 17-halloween 93 86 179 9,232 2017-02-03 17
[ NO NAME ] 17 100 86 186 9,822 2017-02-03 17
189draft toty 99 90 189 10,185 2017-02-03 16
[ NO NAME ] 17-toty 100 85 185 9,717 2017-02-03 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-totw 100 85 185 9,768 2017-02-04 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-legend 99 86 185 9,794 2017-02-04 17
185 17-legend 100 85 185 9,765 2017-02-04 17
eyi eyi 17-puzzle15 90 87 177 9,107 2017-02-06 17
189 Draft 17-toty 100 89 189 10,217 2017-02-06 17
189DRAFTWTF toty 100 89 189 10,169 2017-02-06 16
188 draft 17-mega 100 88 188 10,151 2017-02-07 17
guzel toty 100 87 187 9,989 2017-02-07 16
189DRAFT WTF_ puzzle10 100 89 189 10,274 2017-02-07 16
Yine 189 AMq toty 100 89 189 10,262 2017-02-07 16
187 toty 100 87 187 9,938 2017-02-08 16
188 toty 100 88 188 10,110 2017-02-08 16
Nice Draft 17-wildcard 100 89 189 10,167 2017-02-11 17
YESSS BE 17-toty 100 90 190 10,269 2017-02-13 17
OMG toty 100 89 189 10,177 2017-02-14 16
SA BEN DABBE 17-toty 94 90 184 9,737 2017-02-15 17
nice brp 17-toty 100 89 189 10,211 2017-02-15 17
sa 17-toty 100 89 189 10,208 2017-02-16 17
vay aq 17-toty 100 87 187 9,947 2017-02-16 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-toty 100 88 188 10,094 2017-02-16 17
EASY GAME toty 100 90 190 10,369 2017-02-17 16
190DRAFT wildcard 100 90 190 10,270 2017-02-18 16
[ NO NAME ] toty 100 87 187 9,943 2017-02-19 16
191ISCOMING 17-toty 100 91 191 10,383 2017-02-26 17
Sa toty 100 88 188 10,095 2017-02-26 16
190DD toty 100 90 190 10,333 2017-02-26 16