FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | OVMI18 | FIFA


OVMI18's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
alla legend 100 86 186 9,852 2016-04-23 16
luispaulmar legend 100 85 185 9,838 2016-04-23 16
serie ala ligalegend sick hybr legend 100 86 186 9,843 2016-04-23 16
bad hybrid legend 95 85 180 9,362 2016-04-23 16
full la liga team legend 100 86 186 9,941 2016-04-23 16
sick la ligalegend team legend 99 88 187 9,983 2016-04-23 16
goood hybrid toty 96 86 182 9,601 2016-04-23 16
cheeky hybrid legend 100 86 186 9,849 2016-04-23 16
la liga rigt legend 100 86 186 9,943 2016-04-23 16
188 legend 100 88 188 10,129 2016-04-24 16
3 leauge hybrid 188 legend 100 86 186 9,853 2016-04-24 16
5 Legends wildcard 100 87 187 10,068 2016-04-24 16
suarez vs godin 188 puzzle10 100 88 188 10,125 2016-04-26 16
pelemessisuarez legend 100 87 187 10,061 2016-04-26 16
koke v muller champsemi2 100 85 185 9,735 2016-04-26 16
only TOTY on TOTY draft toty 100 86 186 9,847 2016-04-27 16
In yo face alex toty 100 86 186 9,899 2016-04-27 16
buffessstancmarez a long name legend 100 86 186 9,856 2016-04-28 16
da bench wildcard 100 86 186 9,903 2016-04-30 16
ok oh i get it goteem wildcard 100 87 187 10,003 2016-04-30 16
look at ronaldo some how made legend 100 86 186 9,901 2016-05-01 16
badosi toty 100 86 186 9,849 2016-05-01 16
bad draft with Eng 1 totw 100 84 184 9,711 2016-05-01 16
SOME HOW MADE IT WORK 2 toty 100 87 187 10,007 2016-05-02 16
peeeeeeeeeeeellllleeeeeeeee legend 100 84 184 9,721 2016-05-04 16
ghilas has been working out legend 100 85 185 9,786 2016-05-04 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 9,990 2016-05-22 16
my little brother is awesome toty 100 85 185 9,761 2016-06-03 16
only 18 normal 100 86 186 9,871 2016-06-08 16
vfhbhy bnk nbjghtyu m nbvTNYMU wildcard 100 87 187 9,990 2016-06-12 16
hgthtt legend 100 87 187 9,937 2016-06-13 16
the goalie tho legend 100 86 186 9,883 2016-06-13 16
[ NO NAME ] puzzle10 100 87 187 9,938 2016-06-16 16
pele swag money cash get rekt legend 100 89 189 10,266 2016-07-23 16
[ NO NAME ] wildcard 100 89 189 10,227 2016-08-13 16
Italians Beautys 17-wildcard 100 90 190 10,327 2017-08-12 17
stuff 17-legend 100 89 189 10,180 2017-08-14 17
Jk 17-legend 100 87 187 9,987 2017-08-15 17
Name 17-toty 100 88 188 10,047 2017-09-05 17
Gg 17-wildcard 100 90 190 10,432 2017-09-08 17
91 17-wildcard 100 91 191 10,415 2017-09-08 17
All la liga 17-wildcard 100 91 191 10,595 2017-09-08 17
F 18-totw 100 85 185 9,723 2017-10-12 18