FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | s77 | FIFA


s77's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
gzuf toty 100 85 185 9,732 2016-04-20 16
cool normal 99 86 185 9,756 2016-04-20 16
leg tot normal 97 86 183 9,645 2016-04-20 16
suker legend legend 100 84 184 9,621 2016-04-21 16
Super germany normal 100 85 185 9,827 2016-04-21 16
hibrid normal 100 86 186 9,904 2016-04-21 16
su wildcard 99 87 186 9,967 2016-04-23 16
best wildcard 100 87 187 9,956 2016-04-23 16
cool wildcard 100 85 185 9,739 2016-04-23 16
88 not bad wildcard 100 88 188 10,176 2016-04-23 16
esp legg wildcard 100 87 187 10,064 2016-04-23 16
[ NO NAME ] toty 100 84 184 9,624 2016-04-25 16
MSN napad puzzle10 100 88 188 10,074 2016-04-25 16
[ NO NAME ] normal 100 83 183 9,504 2016-04-26 16
yew normal 100 88 188 10,175 2016-04-26 16
newbie toty 100 88 188 10,072 2016-04-26 16
vv wildcard 100 87 187 10,065 2016-05-01 16
89 wildcard 100 89 189 10,236 2016-05-01 16
busqets 90 wildcard 100 87 187 9,965 2016-05-01 16
MSN wildcard 100 86 186 9,847 2016-05-01 16
wildcard 100 85 185 9,740 2016-05-01 16
esp wingster wildcard 100 86 186 9,898 2016-05-01 16
ds normal 87 82 169 8,382 2016-05-02 16
m normal 100 86 186 9,940 2016-05-04 16
peleeee wildcard 100 87 187 9,968 2016-05-08 16
rsbm wildcard 100 88 188 10,071 2016-05-08 16
cb benzema tots 100 87 187 9,958 2016-05-09 16
88 puzzle10 99 88 187 9,983 2016-05-09 16
bessssstttt puzzle10 100 88 188 10,127 2016-05-09 16
How not 88 puzzle10 100 87 187 9,970 2016-05-09 16
awss puzzle10 100 88 188 10,072 2016-05-10 16
tutiotbv wildcard 100 86 186 9,898 2016-05-14 16
u wildcard 100 85 185 9,740 2016-05-15 16
best draft ever wildcard 42 81 123 4,577 2016-05-15 16
5 legends legend 100 86 186 9,896 2016-05-18 16
5 legends legend 100 86 186 9,846 2016-05-19 16
cokl legend 100 87 187 10,008 2016-05-20 16
bn legend 100 87 187 9,957 2016-05-20 16
lm legend 100 87 187 9,960 2016-05-20 16
m legend 100 87 187 10,011 2016-05-20 16
n b legend 100 84 184 9,676 2016-05-20 16
n legend 100 86 186 9,843 2016-05-20 16
b legend 100 85 185 9,789 2016-05-20 16
mn legend 100 87 187 10,017 2016-05-20 16
5 f legends legend 100 87 187 9,961 2016-05-20 16
no name wildcard 100 86 186 9,882 2016-05-21 16
96 tots neyyyy wildcard 100 87 187 9,996 2016-05-21 16
besxdcgbh wildcard 100 88 188 10,107 2016-05-21 16
How the hell not 90 wildcard 100 89 189 10,168 2016-05-21 16
yeah wildcard 100 89 189 10,216 2016-05-21 16
nioijm jk wildcard 100 88 188 10,069 2016-05-21 16
Finnaly 190 wildcard 100 90 190 10,289 2016-05-21 16
Another one 190 wildcard 100 90 190 10,280 2016-05-21 16
good draft wildcard 100 89 189 10,213 2016-05-21 16
noooo wildcard 93 90 183 9,649 2016-05-22 16
Wtf anothe rone wildcard 100 90 190 10,372 2016-05-22 16
njkdm wildcard 100 89 189 10,173 2016-05-22 16
noooooooooooooooooooooo wildcard 100 89 189 10,216 2016-05-22 16
Fucking another one 190 wildcard 100 90 190 10,329 2016-05-22 16
ok legend 100 90 190 10,277 2016-05-24 16
how not 190 toty 100 89 189 10,173 2016-05-25 16
nooo toty 100 89 189 10,170 2016-05-25 16
Finnaly 191 toty 100 91 191 10,390 2016-05-25 16
Perfect defense 190 champfinal 100 90 190 10,289 2016-05-26 16
xcm champfinal 100 89 189 10,223 2016-05-26 16
Woowoww champfinal 100 90 190 10,384 2016-05-26 16
yayy champfinal 100 90 190 10,329 2016-05-26 16
Pop ili dop ili champfinal 100 90 190 10,278 2016-05-31 16
OMG second 191 champfinal 100 91 191 10,439 2016-06-01 16
Brr 190 champfinal 100 90 190 10,272 2016-06-02 16
190 again boring champfinal 100 90 190 10,332 2016-06-03 16
nmnnn toty 100 90 190 10,286 2016-06-03 16
5 toty 190 toty 100 90 190 10,271 2016-06-03 16
yepp 190 wildcard 100 90 190 10,322 2016-06-04 16
yupp wildcard 100 90 190 10,291 2016-06-05 16
noopo wildcard 100 89 189 10,175 2016-06-05 16
njn champfinal 100 90 190 10,430 2016-06-08 16
yooop 191 champfinal 100 91 191 10,432 2016-06-10 16
m lovin it euros1 100 87 187 9,945 2016-06-13 16
m lovi n iit euros1 100 87 187 9,945 2016-06-13 16
OMG best 190 toty 100 90 190 10,276 2016-06-13 16
[ NO NAME ] toty 100 90 190 10,273 2016-06-13 16
Very good 190 toty 100 90 190 10,282 2016-06-14 16
Anothrth bgv ione toty 100 90 190 10,317 2016-06-14 16
Bitch yepp toty 100 90 190 10,281 2016-06-14 16
ncdhisb toty 100 90 190 10,277 2016-06-14 16
suo dup 190 champfinal 100 90 190 10,332 2016-06-17 16
Almost 191 wildcard 100 90 190 10,335 2016-06-19 16
Almost 192 toty 100 91 191 10,402 2016-06-22 16
Yesssss imotm rakitic wildcard 100 87 187 9,990 2016-06-25 16
yolo 190 euroqtr1 100 90 190 10,380 2016-06-30 16
bitch 190 champfinal 100 90 190 10,335 2016-06-30 16
hardest 191 ever toty 100 91 191 10,483 2016-07-04 16
sup dradft euromega4 100 89 189 10,310 2016-07-05 16
sick 190 mega 100 90 190 10,273 2016-07-05 16
3 toty 100 89 189 10,164 2016-07-07 16
sick 190 wildcard 100 90 190 10,280 2016-07-09 16
msn wildcard 100 89 189 10,164 2016-07-10 16
Very sick draft wildcard 100 89 189 10,213 2016-07-17 16
OMHGGg wildcard 100 89 189 10,271 2016-07-17 16
one of the best wildcard 100 90 190 10,287 2016-07-17 16
bjkcfg champfinal 100 90 190 10,277 2016-07-18 16
best 191 mega 100 91 191 10,397 2016-07-19 16
jg champfinal 100 91 191 10,491 2016-07-20 16
190vdfxcbhjkdfvx champfinal 100 90 190 10,325 2016-07-22 16
szi b champfinal 100 91 191 10,444 2016-07-25 16
xax champfinal 100 90 190 10,332 2016-07-25 16
dc champfinal 100 90 190 10,329 2016-07-26 16
hzg champfinal 100 90 190 10,326 2016-07-26 16
dfyc champfinal 100 90 190 10,327 2016-08-08 16
The champs toty 100 91 191 10,390 2016-08-08 16
fhxc puzzle15 100 86 186 9,877 2016-08-19 16
Bdeas msd msn 100 90 190 10,380 2016-08-22 16
MS csx beset 191 ftd msn 100 91 191 10,502 2016-08-22 16
omg msn msn 100 90 190 10,338 2016-08-22 16
cjnx msn 100 91 191 10,484 2016-08-22 16
Rakx msn msn 100 91 191 10,445 2016-08-23 16
192 msn 100 92 192 10,603 2016-08-24 16
bh v msn 100 90 190 10,335 2016-08-24 16
hvfdcx msn 100 91 191 10,491 2016-08-25 16
sick 191 msn 100 91 191 10,445 2016-08-25 16
19222 msn 100 92 192 10,699 2016-08-26 16
raki 190 imotm msn 100 91 191 10,388 2016-08-27 16
3 benf 192 msn 100 92 192 10,508 2016-08-31 16
sic 192 msn 100 92 192 10,560 2016-09-02 16
ivrk 87 msn 100 90 190 10,278 2016-09-02 16
nice wildcard 100 90 190 10,283 2016-09-04 16
hybrid wildcard 100 88 188 10,103 2016-09-11 16
sick hybrid tots 100 86 186 9,831 2016-09-15 16
Best hybrid ever wildcard 100 89 189 10,271 2016-09-17 16
epic hybrid wildcard 100 87 187 9,999 2016-09-17 16
3 leg hybrid wildcard 100 89 189 10,222 2016-09-18 16
Hybrid wildcard 100 89 189 10,176 2016-09-18 16
[ NO NAME ] 17-wildcard 100 89 189 10,212 2016-09-25 17
Ft 1 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,940 2016-09-25 17
Ft1 17-legend 100 87 187 9,948 2016-09-25 17
Hybrd 17-puzzle1 100 85 185 9,708 2016-09-26 17
best hybrid ever legend 100 88 188 10,053 2016-09-29 16
bv 17 59 82 141 6,119 2016-10-04 17
fch 17-legend 100 85 185 9,703 2016-10-04 17
Best bpl fut draft 2 legends 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,946 2016-10-08 17
the dream fut draft 17-legend 100 86 186 9,832 2016-10-26 17
BBBBumm 17-legend 100 89 189 10,168 2016-11-01 17
legnds 17-legend 100 87 187 9,948 2016-11-04 17
Bplllll 17-wildcard 100 87 187 10,002 2016-11-05 17
bundesligaa 17-legend 100 86 186 9,836 2016-11-10 17
ghvvhgb 17-legend 100 86 186 9,871 2016-11-10 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-wildcard 97 85 182 9,463 2016-11-12 17
wowwwo pelee 17-wildcard 100 86 186 9,827 2016-11-12 17
wauu 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,935 2016-11-20 17
jgfbvhr 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,944 2016-11-20 17
eqad 17-legend 100 88 188 10,100 2016-11-21 17
tfghjkvb puzzle3 100 89 189 10,169 2016-12-12 16
kj n puzzle5 100 85 185 9,721 2016-12-12 16
wow 17-legend 100 85 185 9,716 2016-12-19 17
uiz 17-wildcard 100 87 187 10,047 2016-12-25 17
pelle and gullit 17-legend 100 86 186 9,881 2016-12-26 17
uh 17-legend 100 87 187 9,999 2016-12-26 17
vh 17-wildcard 100 88 188 10,060 2017-01-07 17
helljgx 17-legend 100 88 188 10,104 2017-01-10 17
gh 17-toty 100 87 187 10,044 2017-01-12 17
hicfg 17-toty 100 89 189 10,158 2017-01-13 17
YASSSSS 17-toty 100 90 190 10,326 2017-01-17 17
hiogzu 17-toty 100 89 189 10,157 2017-01-18 17
189 17-wildcard 100 89 189 10,158 2017-01-21 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-toty 100 89 189 10,159 2017-01-25 17
d 17-toty 100 89 189 10,180 2017-01-25 17
jkghcf 17-toty 100 88 188 10,057 2017-01-25 17
hgv 17-legend 100 88 188 10,047 2017-01-26 17
davor uker 17-wildcard 100 86 186 9,826 2017-01-28 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,998 2017-02-04 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-wildcard 100 89 189 10,166 2017-02-04 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-wildcard 100 90 190 10,276 2017-02-05 17
ugchf 17-toty 100 91 191 10,442 2017-02-10 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-puzzle18 100 88 188 10,049 2017-02-23 17
best hybrid ever 17-legend 100 86 186 9,892 2017-04-18 17
really nice 17-legend 100 87 187 9,947 2017-06-03 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-legend 100 85 185 9,727 2017-08-05 17
first draft 18-wildcard 100 84 184 9,611 2017-09-24 18