FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | nacho cop | FIFA


nacho cop's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
luck draft puzzle1 100 83 183 9,507 2016-03-26 16
OMG puzzle3 100 85 185 9,834 2016-03-30 16
[ NO NAME ] legend 100 86 186 9,848 2016-04-02 16
WOW toty 100 85 185 9,774 2016-04-03 16
BOOM puzzle6 100 84 184 9,624 2016-04-05 16
beam toty 100 86 186 9,853 2016-04-05 16
man legend 100 83 183 9,510 2016-04-06 16
BOOM normal 100 85 185 9,735 2016-04-06 16
man puzzle4 100 84 184 9,625 2016-04-08 16
WOW wildcard 100 86 186 9,853 2016-04-08 16
boom 2 wildcard 100 86 186 9,844 2016-04-08 16
tie wildcard 100 86 186 9,847 2016-04-08 16
god wildcard 100 86 186 9,902 2016-04-09 16
lol legend 100 85 185 9,788 2016-04-09 16
toty wildcard 100 88 188 10,172 2016-04-09 16
man puzzle9 100 84 184 9,727 2016-04-12 16
lol 2 puzzle9 100 85 185 9,840 2016-04-12 16
glore puzzle9 99 85 184 9,694 2016-04-12 16
barcamadrid wildcard 100 86 186 9,845 2016-04-22 16
spain draft wildcard 100 85 185 9,728 2016-04-22 16
lol wildcard 100 85 185 9,830 2016-04-29 16
NO wildcard 100 86 186 9,992 2016-04-30 16
Glow wildcard 100 85 185 9,737 2016-04-30 16
Joe wildcard 100 86 186 9,955 2016-04-30 16
[ NO NAME ] wildcard 100 85 185 9,831 2016-05-07 16
deadly champfinal 100 90 190 10,323 2016-05-27 16
lol champfinal 100 88 188 10,049 2016-05-27 16
bro champfinal 100 89 189 10,162 2016-05-27 16
my life champfinal 100 89 189 10,212 2016-05-27 16
fast champfinal 100 89 189 10,160 2016-05-27 16
so many champfinal 100 89 189 10,159 2016-05-28 16
again champfinal 100 88 188 10,103 2016-05-28 16
death champfinal 100 89 189 10,161 2016-06-03 16
lol champfinal 100 88 188 10,149 2016-06-03 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 9,941 2016-06-10 16
euro euros2 100 86 186 9,884 2016-06-28 16
188 euros2 100 88 188 10,104 2016-06-28 16
euro life euros2 100 87 187 9,987 2016-06-29 16
champions champfinal 100 88 188 10,153 2016-06-29 16
woop champfinal 100 88 188 10,055 2016-06-29 16
yes champfinal 100 87 187 9,944 2016-06-29 16
woop 2 champfinal 100 87 187 9,946 2016-06-30 16
nice transfer1 100 86 186 9,874 2016-07-16 16
187 draft to glory transfer1 100 87 187 10,049 2016-07-16 16
lolllll transfer1 100 86 186 9,836 2016-07-16 16
swag to glory wildcard 100 88 188 10,098 2016-07-16 16
wag to glory wildcard 100 88 188 10,049 2016-07-16 16
189 draft to glory wildcard 100 89 189 10,166 2016-07-16 16
nic draft normal 100 87 187 10,042 2016-07-22 16
good normal 100 86 186 9,865 2016-07-22 16
close normal 100 87 187 9,983 2016-07-22 16
dead normal 100 88 188 10,059 2016-07-22 16
last minute normal 100 87 187 9,940 2016-07-22 16
legandary toty 100 88 188 10,051 2016-07-22 16
no way toty 100 87 187 9,934 2016-07-22 16
190 dream wildcard 100 90 190 10,277 2016-07-23 16
lord champfinal 100 89 189 10,222 2016-07-23 16
good job wildcard 100 89 189 10,214 2016-07-23 16
lord wildcard 100 88 188 10,155 2016-07-29 16
decent wildcard 100 87 187 10,037 2016-07-30 16
hybrid wildcard 100 87 187 10,085 2016-07-30 16
nuce wildcard 100 87 187 9,983 2016-07-30 16
wooooooow wildcard 100 88 188 10,057 2016-07-30 16
dtdrr wildcard 100 88 188 10,050 2016-07-30 16
nooooooooooooooooooo wildcard 100 89 189 10,159 2016-07-30 16
man wildcard 100 88 188 10,089 2016-07-30 16
first try wildcard 100 87 187 10,003 2016-07-30 16
boy normal 100 87 187 9,952 2016-08-02 16
nuice normal 100 87 187 10,028 2016-08-02 16
bpl normal 100 86 186 9,826 2016-08-02 16
goooooood toty 100 87 187 10,091 2016-08-02 16
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo normal 94 87 181 9,462 2016-08-02 16
draft normal 100 85 185 9,776 2016-08-02 16
fffffffg normal 100 86 186 9,818 2016-08-02 16
soooooooooooclooooooooose normal 97 87 184 9,673 2016-08-02 16
rhhhh normal 100 87 187 9,950 2016-08-02 16
nfnfbvbcbbvbc normal 100 86 186 9,877 2016-08-02 16
[ NO NAME ] normal 100 86 186 9,815 2016-08-02 16
hhrhrhrjrhhfhhffghfhf normal 100 86 186 9,828 2016-08-02 16
3 legends normal 100 88 188 10,053 2016-08-02 16
bnngngnbnb normal 100 86 186 9,874 2016-08-02 16
fnvnv toty 100 88 188 10,150 2016-08-03 16
ssnsmsn toty 100 88 188 10,160 2016-08-03 16
mkq toty 100 88 188 10,101 2016-08-03 16
so close to 191 toty 100 90 190 10,324 2016-08-03 16
hhs toty 100 89 189 10,266 2016-08-03 16
mdmjdsmdj puzzle13 100 86 186 9,872 2016-08-03 16
oh lord puzzle13 100 87 187 9,990 2016-08-04 16
188 draft lol nachocop puzzle13 100 88 188 10,196 2016-08-04 16
mmmm normal 100 86 186 9,835 2016-08-04 16
the fabled 189 toty 100 89 189 10,313 2016-08-04 16
what a team toty 100 89 189 10,301 2016-08-04 16
boyyyyyy puzzle13 100 87 187 9,929 2016-08-05 16
hfhfhfhfh puzzle13 98 87 185 9,774 2016-08-05 16
oh my god puzzle13 100 89 189 10,165 2016-08-05 16
hfhfhfh puzzle13 100 86 186 9,887 2016-08-05 16
190 toty 100 90 190 10,423 2016-08-05 16
nuuuuuuuuuuwuwuuwuwuce champfinal 100 89 189 10,219 2016-08-05 16
nuyy champfinal 100 89 189 10,168 2016-08-05 16
HAPPY wildcard 100 89 189 10,214 2016-08-05 16
[ NO NAME ] wildcard 100 88 188 10,102 2016-08-05 16
189 wildcard 100 89 189 10,209 2016-08-05 16
NNOOOOOOOOYQTYA wildcard 100 87 187 9,943 2016-08-05 16
[ NO NAME ] toty 100 88 188 10,104 2016-08-05 16
broo wildcard 100 89 189 10,157 2016-08-06 16
pele wildcard 100 87 187 9,997 2016-08-06 16
again wildcard 100 88 188 10,142 2016-08-06 16
lower mega 100 90 190 10,372 2016-08-09 16
no toty 100 89 189 10,211 2016-08-10 16
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo legend 100 89 189 10,168 2016-08-10 16
lool puzzle13 95 87 182 9,555 2016-08-10 16
noophphhp champfinal 100 89 189 10,269 2016-08-12 16
190 dream wildcard 100 90 190 10,374 2016-08-13 16
188 bpltitle 100 88 188 10,104 2016-08-15 16
g mega 100 89 189 10,207 2016-08-16 16
yes mega 100 90 190 10,273 2016-08-16 16
again champfinal 100 90 190 10,377 2016-08-16 16
[ NO NAME ] champfinal 100 89 189 10,215 2016-08-16 16
n champfinal 100 89 189 10,218 2016-08-17 16
first 191 champfinal 100 91 191 10,438 2016-08-18 16
luck champfinal 100 90 190 10,323 2016-08-18 16
another one champfinal 100 91 191 10,386 2016-08-18 16
[ NO NAME ] champfinal 97 88 185 9,835 2016-08-19 16
pele and messi champfinal 100 90 190 10,388 2016-08-19 16
nice lol msn 100 91 191 10,428 2016-08-23 16
col msn 100 90 190 10,274 2016-08-23 16
ronaldo at CB msn 100 91 191 10,442 2016-08-23 16
i need you msn 100 90 190 10,324 2016-08-23 16
let it go msn 100 90 190 10,323 2016-08-23 16
somany 190 msn 100 90 190 10,275 2016-08-23 16
another one msn 100 90 190 10,289 2016-08-23 16
good draft msn 100 91 191 10,543 2016-08-24 16
190 msn 100 90 190 10,323 2016-08-26 16
no way 17-legend 100 87 187 9,939 2016-09-23 17
attackerts 17-legend 100 87 187 9,947 2016-09-26 17
nooooooo 17 98 87 185 9,773 2016-09-26 17
cool 17 100 87 187 9,989 2016-10-01 17
so close 17-puzzle2 100 86 186 9,820 2016-10-03 17
insane 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,938 2016-10-08 17
great 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,999 2016-10-08 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-wildcard 100 90 190 10,339 2017-02-17 17
[ NO NAME ] 17 100 85 185 9,764 2017-02-17 17
[ NO NAME ] 17 100 87 187 9,940 2017-02-17 17
[ NO NAME ] 17 100 88 188 10,056 2017-02-21 17