FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | EinfachYoshi | FIFA


EinfachYoshi's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
EM euromega2 100 88 188 10,132 2016-09-05 16
Favorit Spieler tots 51 87 138 5,719 2016-09-05 16
Spanische Liga toty 97 88 185 9,835 2016-09-05 16
Rainbow Draft Versuch1 legend 61 86 147 6,447 2016-09-05 16
Rainbow FUT DRAFT Versuch 2 totw 44 84 128 4,877 2016-09-05 16
FRA VS ARG puzzle6 100 87 187 9,928 2016-09-05 16
187 FUT DRAFT normal 100 87 187 9,985 2016-09-05 16
187 FUT DRAFT toty 98 89 187 9,996 2016-09-05 16
ENGLISCHE LIGA wildcard 100 84 184 9,611 2016-09-05 16
BBVA wildcard 100 85 185 9,715 2016-09-05 16
BBVA WILDCARD wildcard 100 85 185 9,759 2016-09-05 16
RAINBOW FUT DRAFT euromega 58 84 142 6,133 2016-09-05 16
189 DRAFT EURO euromega 100 89 189 10,266 2016-09-05 16
186 DRAFT normal 100 86 186 9,875 2016-09-05 16
187 DRAFT FUT euromega8 100 87 187 9,944 2016-09-05 16
DRAFT FUT 187 puzzle13 100 87 187 9,951 2016-09-05 16
STRKSTE SPIELER euromega 73 88 161 7,830 2016-09-05 16
BBL DRAFT toty 100 87 187 9,988 2016-09-06 16
188 DRAFT msn 98 90 188 10,100 2016-09-10 16
190 FUT DRAFT WTFFFF msn 100 90 190 10,280 2016-09-10 16
FINALIZE 17-wildcard 100 86 186 9,839 2016-09-24 17
187 Draft 17-legend 100 87 187 9,945 2016-10-14 17
Premier League 17-nolegends 100 85 185 9,722 2016-10-14 17
185 DRAFT 17 100 85 185 9,715 2016-10-15 17
AUBANALDO 17-puzzle3 100 86 186 9,829 2016-10-15 17
187 la liga 17 100 87 187 9,938 2016-10-16 17
BUNDESLIGA PREMIER LEAGUE 17 100 86 186 9,830 2016-10-16 17
4 legends 187 euromega 96 91 187 10,079 2016-10-18 16
86 draft euromega 11 75 86 1,894 2016-10-18 16
serie a argentinien 17 100 85 185 9,774 2016-10-19 17
186 6 17-totw6 100 86 186 9,819 2016-10-27 17
lowest rated 17 11 78 89 1,977 2016-10-27 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-halloween 100 86 186 9,872 2016-10-27 17
LA LIGA VS PREMIER LEAGUE 17 99 85 184 9,628 2016-10-28 17
dfb pokal 17 100 86 186 9,830 2016-10-28 17
Bundesliga 17 100 84 184 9,655 2016-10-28 17
italia la liga 17 100 85 185 9,756 2016-10-29 17
serie a 17 100 85 185 9,725 2016-10-29 17
PREMIER LEAGUE 17 100 85 185 9,764 2016-10-29 17
Premier Seria A League 17 100 86 186 9,871 2016-10-29 17
188 fifa 16 draft euromega 100 88 188 10,055 2016-10-30 16
Special Card Barry Draft 17 100 87 187 10,032 2016-10-30 17
fifa 17 espana 17 100 87 187 9,933 2016-10-30 17
LA LIGA 190 DRAFT toty 100 90 190 10,286 2016-10-30 16
189 drafterino toty 100 89 189 10,166 2016-10-30 16
188 drafti toty 100 88 188 10,054 2016-10-30 16
wtf 3legends toty 100 89 189 10,164 2016-10-30 16
wtf draft toty 100 89 189 10,167 2016-10-30 16
189 draft toty 100 89 189 10,218 2016-10-30 16
PREMIER LEGEND 17 100 86 186 9,829 2016-10-31 17
[ NO NAME ] 17 100 84 184 9,608 2016-10-31 17
[ NO NAME ] 17 100 86 186 9,826 2016-10-31 17
2legends 17 100 86 186 9,836 2016-11-02 17
[ NO NAME ] 17 95 85 180 9,391 2016-11-02 17
last man standing 17 100 85 185 9,810 2016-11-02 17
la ligaaa 17 100 87 187 9,993 2016-11-02 17
[ NO NAME ] 17 100 86 186 9,826 2016-11-03 17
[ NO NAME ] 17 100 86 186 9,880 2016-11-03 17
laaa ligaaa 17 100 87 187 9,932 2016-11-04 17
legend premier league 17 100 86 186 9,828 2016-11-04 17
legend premier league 17 100 87 187 9,941 2016-11-04 17
legend la liga 17 100 87 187 9,940 2016-11-04 17
BUNDESLIGA 188DRAFT 17-legend 100 88 188 10,111 2016-11-05 17
190 draft toty 100 90 190 10,329 2016-11-05 16
challange toty 42 89 131 5,011 2016-11-05 16
bundesliga 17 100 85 185 9,716 2016-11-06 17
89 draft 17-totw7 11 78 89 2,022 2016-11-06 17
186 espana 17 100 86 186 9,878 2016-11-12 17
187 draft 17-legend 100 87 187 10,041 2016-11-12 17
cannavaro draft 17-legend 100 86 186 9,832 2016-11-14 17
2 legends 17-legend 100 86 186 9,876 2016-11-14 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-legend 70 87 157 7,333 2016-11-15 17
legend la liga 17-legend 100 86 186 9,880 2016-11-15 17
la liga 17-legend 100 86 186 9,837 2016-11-15 17
full special 17-legend 86 86 172 8,670 2016-11-15 17
187 draft 17 100 87 187 9,937 2016-11-18 17
serie a 17 100 85 185 9,721 2016-11-18 17
190 la liga draft msn 100 90 190 10,277 2016-11-18 16
190draft la liga yeah msn 100 90 190 10,330 2016-11-18 16
la liga 91 rating 100chemie he msn 100 91 191 10,405 2016-11-18 16
lel 17 100 85 185 9,718 2016-11-18 17
188 draft wtf 17-legend 100 88 188 10,153 2016-11-19 17
188 la liga 17-legend 100 88 188 10,103 2016-11-19 17
lgd la liga bpl 17 100 86 186 9,835 2016-11-19 17
bundesliga 17 100 86 186 9,928 2016-11-20 17
de gea neuer draft 17 100 86 186 9,832 2016-11-20 17
89 draft 17 11 78 89 1,969 2016-11-20 17
serie a la liga hybrid 17 100 85 185 9,727 2016-12-04 17
187 draft 17 100 86 186 9,880 2016-12-09 17
188 draft toty 100 88 188 10,064 2016-12-09 16
nice squad toty 100 87 187 9,951 2016-12-09 16
191 draft wtfffffff toty 100 91 191 10,393 2016-12-09 16
best eng draft 17 100 85 185 9,722 2017-01-05 17
espanyol 17 100 86 186 9,832 2017-01-05 17
191 TOTY DRAAAAAAAAAFTZ 17-toty 100 91 191 10,386 2017-01-13 17
3 legends 17-toty 100 88 188 10,052 2017-01-13 17
189 draft 17-toty 100 89 189 10,167 2017-01-14 17
4 totys 17-toty 100 88 188 10,106 2017-01-14 17
188 draft 17-toty 99 89 188 10,128 2017-01-14 17
raiiiinbooow 17-toty 100 87 187 9,989 2017-01-14 17
messi ronaaldo 190 17-toty 100 90 190 10,284 2017-01-14 17
188 draft 17 100 88 188 10,100 2017-02-17 17
draft battle 17-mega 80 90 170 8,602 2017-06-06 17
draft 17-mega 81 90 171 8,583 2017-06-06 17
Calcio A 17-legend 100 84 184 9,653 2017-06-12 17
pele striker 17-legend 100 88 188 10,155 2017-06-12 17
187 draft 17-legend 100 87 187 9,963 2017-06-12 17
188 draft 17-legend 100 88 188 10,112 2017-06-12 17
france vs england 188 17-france-england 100 88 188 10,112 2017-06-12 17
188 draft 17-france-england 100 88 188 10,114 2017-06-12 17
3legends 17-france-england 100 88 188 10,073 2017-06-12 17
188 draft 17-france-england 100 88 188 10,120 2017-06-12 17
188 draft 17-france-england 100 88 188 10,118 2017-06-12 17
189 draft and 5 legends 17-france-england 100 89 189 10,323 2017-06-12 17
187 with 4 legends 17-france-england 100 87 187 9,963 2017-06-12 17
189 draft and 4legends 17-france-england 100 89 189 10,184 2017-06-12 17
188 mit ligue 1 and 6 legends 17-france-england 100 88 188 10,126 2017-06-12 17
4legends and a 189 draft 17-france-england 100 89 189 10,427 2017-06-12 17
188 draft 17-france-england 100 88 188 10,168 2017-06-12 17
189 draft 17-france-england 100 89 189 10,225 2017-06-12 17
188 draft 17-france-england 100 88 188 10,076 2017-06-12 17
189 draft 17-france-england 100 89 189 10,179 2017-06-12 17
189 draft mit messi 17-france-england 100 89 189 10,224 2017-06-12 17
188 fut draft 17-france-england 100 88 188 10,116 2017-06-12 17
189 fut draft 17-france-england 100 89 189 10,224 2017-06-13 17
188 fut draft 17-france-england 100 88 188 10,117 2017-06-13 17
188 draft 17-france-england 100 88 188 10,119 2017-06-13 17
189 drafti with messi 17-france-england 100 89 189 10,223 2017-06-13 17
189 draft 17-france-england 100 89 189 10,237 2017-06-13 17
try to get 100chemie 17-transfer2 97 86 183 9,583 2017-07-21 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-juve-realmadrid 100 89 189 10,178 2017-07-21 17
190 draft 17-wildcard 100 90 190 10,291 2017-08-13 17
another 190 draft 17-wildcard 100 90 190 10,297 2017-08-13 17
191 draft 17-wildcard 100 91 191 10,440 2017-08-13 17
190 draft 17-wildcard 99 91 190 10,356 2017-08-13 17
190 drafti 17-wildcard 100 90 190 10,340 2017-08-13 17
187 draft 17-legend 100 87 187 9,951 2017-08-18 17
pele 187 draft 17 100 87 187 9,942 2017-08-23 17
james alves 187 17-transfer1 100 87 187 9,950 2017-08-23 17
189 draft 17-legend 100 89 189 10,232 2017-08-23 17
187 draft 17-legend 100 87 187 9,998 2017-08-24 17
187 draft 17-legend 100 87 187 9,946 2017-08-24 17
3legends draft 17-legend 100 87 187 10,051 2017-09-09 17
191 draft 17-wildcard 100 91 191 10,593 2017-09-09 17
191 draft 17-wildcard 100 91 191 10,451 2017-09-10 17
190 draft bbc 100 90 190 10,283 2017-09-13 16
rainbow draft euromega 63 84 147 6,478 2017-09-13 16
83er fut draft euromega 11 72 83 1,806 2017-09-13 16
pace draft normal 69 86 155 7,223 2017-09-13 16
rainbow draft 17 75 86 161 7,732 2017-09-13 17
team of the yearseason draft 17-wildcard 53 90 143 6,169 2017-09-16 17
91 rating 17-wildcard 76 91 167 8,315 2017-09-17 17
full special cards 18 53 85 138 5,774 2017-11-06 18
draft msn 100 91 191 10,593 2017-11-18 16
185 op draft 18-icons 100 85 185 9,724 2017-11-20 18
op 190 draft msn 100 90 190 10,338 2017-11-23 16
nice 18-mega 100 88 188 10,066 2018-03-25 18
lul 18-mega 100 90 190 10,487 2018-03-25 18
191er draft 18-mega 100 91 191 10,445 2018-03-27 18
ok 189 20 100 89 189 10,229 2019-09-29 20
[ NO NAME ] 20 100 89 189 10,180 2019-09-30 20
[ NO NAME ] 20 47 86 133 5,285 2019-09-30 20
[ NO NAME ] 20 100 89 189 10,177 2019-12-06 20
[ NO NAME ] 20 100 89 189 10,175 2019-12-06 20
[ NO NAME ] 20 100 89 189 10,175 2019-12-06 20