FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | modar s | FIFA


modar s's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
MODAR 1 toty 54 89 143 6,142 2016-03-23 16
[ NO NAME ] toty 86 87 173 8,840 2016-03-23 16
[ NO NAME ] toty 100 87 187 9,957 2016-03-23 16
BEST 1 legend 100 88 188 10,134 2016-03-23 16
the best 89 rated toty 57 89 146 6,368 2016-03-25 16
MR TOTY toty 100 87 187 9,960 2016-03-25 16
FRENCH toty 86 87 173 8,788 2016-03-25 16
Pelecr7 toty 100 88 188 10,131 2016-03-25 16
3 legends legend 100 86 186 9,894 2016-03-25 16
rembo toty 70 89 159 7,572 2016-03-25 16
5 legendsnjr legend 95 87 182 9,633 2016-03-25 16
master messron legend 100 87 187 10,016 2016-03-25 16
BBC4TOTY toty 99 88 187 9,985 2016-03-25 16
BBVA great wildcard 96 89 185 9,980 2016-03-26 16
BBVA 5TOTY toty 100 88 188 10,076 2016-03-28 16
100 BBVA toty 100 86 186 9,854 2016-03-28 16
gorge best legend 100 87 187 10,018 2016-03-28 16
NO BARCA legend 100 87 187 9,960 2016-03-28 16
MSN toty 100 86 186 9,904 2016-03-30 16
[ NO NAME ] toty 100 85 185 9,737 2016-04-01 16
ronaldo legend legend 100 87 187 10,009 2016-04-01 16
good alone legend 100 87 187 9,959 2016-04-01 16
legends defend legend 96 85 181 9,447 2016-04-01 16
well toty 94 88 182 9,644 2016-04-06 16
89 again but toty 90 89 179 9,351 2016-04-06 16
prp messi toty 98 88 186 9,953 2016-04-15 16
barca leder w lgd wildcard 100 87 187 9,967 2016-04-16 16
best 3 in the w wildcard 100 87 187 10,020 2016-04-16 16
qays jr toty 100 88 188 10,071 2016-04-16 16
17 april wildcard 100 88 188 10,175 2016-04-16 16
weekrnd messi wildcard 100 88 188 10,124 2016-04-23 16
Hero saurez wildcard 96 85 181 9,448 2016-04-23 16
MOTMcr7 messi toty wildcard 100 88 188 10,125 2016-04-23 16
MOTMcr7 Hero suarez wildcard 98 88 186 9,898 2016-04-23 16
what is89 toty 97 89 186 9,920 2016-04-24 16
tots bbva toty 100 88 188 10,127 2016-04-24 16
4 LEGEND 3TOTY toty 100 88 188 10,123 2016-04-26 16
189 legend 100 89 189 10,235 2016-05-06 16
msn bc198 toty 100 89 189 10,198 2016-05-06 16
new motm Rodrigurz toty 100 89 189 10,223 2016-06-13 16
First 190 toty 100 90 190 10,281 2016-06-13 16
MSN 190 toty 100 90 190 10,334 2016-06-13 16
TOTS Ronaldo99 toty 98 87 185 9,760 2016-06-14 16
fransoa wildcard 100 89 189 10,266 2016-06-19 16
infsau9ron7 toty 100 89 189 10,214 2016-06-30 16
portagues euromega2 100 88 188 10,109 2016-07-30 16
gold and old toty 100 89 189 10,164 2016-07-30 16
190 messi ronaldo toty 100 90 190 10,315 2016-08-02 16
NMR TOTY toty 100 90 190 10,376 2016-08-03 16
pele 190 wildcard 100 90 190 10,375 2016-08-14 16
tots modric and mid toty 100 89 189 10,164 2016-08-23 16
blue msn cr7 msn 100 90 190 10,375 2016-08-23 16
boom mega 100 90 190 10,282 2016-08-23 16
5 toty captin neuer toty 100 90 190 10,327 2016-09-05 16
first fifa 17 draft 17-wildcard 100 86 186 9,824 2016-09-24 17
fif17 mes10ron7pele10 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,928 2016-09-24 17
new messi king 17-wildcard 100 88 188 10,101 2016-09-24 17
4 fif17 legends 17-wildcard 100 88 188 10,109 2016-09-24 17
[ NO NAME ] toty 100 87 187 9,947 2016-09-29 16
ultimate interance toty 100 90 190 10,325 2016-10-10 16
nice squad toty 100 89 189 10,170 2016-10-13 16
first 191 msn 100 91 191 10,539 2016-10-18 16
wow medfield msn 100 91 191 10,433 2016-10-19 16
why not dybala toty 100 90 190 10,384 2016-10-21 16
omg 190 again toty 100 90 190 10,274 2016-10-24 16
STERLING GOTW 17-wildcard 100 86 186 9,885 2016-11-06 17
Toty first time RSM 17-toty 100 89 189 10,265 2017-01-10 17
Modar 192 17-toty 100 92 192 10,502 2017-03-03 17
First 20 100 89 189 10,171 2020-01-12 20
[ NO NAME ] 20 100 89 189 10,230 2020-01-12 20
sbc 20 100 89 189 10,327 2020-01-24 20
sbc 20 100 89 189 10,229 2020-01-24 20
sbc4 20 100 89 189 10,325 2020-01-27 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,403 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,380 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,233 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 98 89 187 10,048 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 99 89 188 10,095 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,392 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 82 89 171 8,569 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 94 88 182 9,634 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 97 90 187 10,068 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 98 89 187 10,005 2020-05-16 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,399 2020-05-16 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,286 2020-05-16 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,453 2020-05-16 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 91 191 10,458 2020-05-16 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,273 2020-05-16 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,187 2020-05-16 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 92 192 10,619 2020-05-16 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 92 90 182 9,666 2020-05-16 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 58 89 147 6,494 2020-05-16 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,294 2020-05-17 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,389 2020-05-17 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,237 2020-05-18 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 98 90 188 10,223 2020-05-18 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,224 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 91 191 10,457 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,337 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,242 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 91 191 10,614 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,389 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 97 91 188 10,186 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 86 91 177 9,241 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,389 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 87 187 10,108 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 91 191 10,565 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,290 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 91 191 10,512 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,391 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,438 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 91 191 10,499 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 94 88 182 9,634 2020-05-20 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,175 2020-05-20 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 99 89 188 10,189 2020-05-20 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 98 91 189 10,317 2020-05-20 20
First 21 100 88 188 10,069 2020-10-02 21
[ NO NAME ] 21 100 87 187 10,059 2020-10-02 21
[ NO NAME ] 21 100 88 188 10,060 2020-10-07 21
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 91 191 10,454 2020-10-09 20
[ NO NAME ] 21 99 88 187 10,029 2020-10-15 21
[ NO NAME ] 21 100 88 188 10,062 2020-10-15 21
[ NO NAME ] 21 100 88 188 10,122 2020-10-15 21
[ NO NAME ] 21 100 88 188 10,162 2020-10-15 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 87 187 10,051 2020-10-16 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 93 89 182 9,550 2020-10-16 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 87 187 9,957 2020-10-17 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 88 188 10,067 2020-10-17 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 88 188 10,066 2020-10-17 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 98 87 185 9,830 2020-10-17 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 87 187 9,958 2020-10-18 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 87 187 9,942 2020-10-18 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 87 187 10,054 2020-10-18 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 89 189 10,175 2020-10-23 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 86 186 9,993 2020-10-23 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 88 188 10,062 2020-10-23 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 88 188 10,116 2020-10-23 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 87 187 10,015 2020-10-25 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 97 88 185 9,898 2020-10-25 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 87 187 10,008 2020-10-25 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 86 186 9,886 2020-10-27 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 86 186 9,943 2020-10-29 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 87 187 10,004 2020-10-30 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 87 187 10,007 2020-10-30 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 87 187 10,005 2020-10-30 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 88 188 10,121 2020-10-30 21
[ NO NAME ] 21-match 100 87 187 10,015 2020-10-31 21