FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | Kero1234 | FIFA


Kero1234's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
Team icon 18-icons 100 84 184 9,657 2018-02-09 18
Team of the week 18-totw 100 84 184 9,609 2018-02-09 18
p team 19 100 86 186 9,889 2018-11-19 19
Team of grizmann 19-totw 100 86 186 9,889 2018-11-20 19
Kerem 19 100 86 186 9,827 2018-11-24 19
Kaka 19-totw 94 85 179 9,264 2018-11-24 19
Team is best 19 100 86 186 9,889 2019-01-29 19
con draft 1 19-icons 100 85 185 9,726 2019-01-31 19
Toty team Modric 19-toty 100 87 187 9,992 2019-01-31 19
Toty draft Ronaldo 19-toty 96 89 185 9,956 2019-01-31 19
Pro Team 19 100 84 184 9,707 2019-02-02 19
Toty man 19-toty 86 88 174 8,929 2019-02-02 19
Haha 19-toty 100 87 187 9,990 2019-02-03 19
Baba 19-toty 100 87 187 9,991 2019-02-11 19
[ NO NAME ] 19 98 86 184 9,719 2019-02-11 19
[ NO NAME ] 19 92 86 178 9,139 2019-03-31 19
Kzma 19-toty 100 89 189 10,173 2019-04-01 19
Abonelik isteriz 20 100 87 187 10,053 2019-11-15 20
Abonelik istiyorum 20 100 89 189 10,225 2019-11-15 20
Abonelik istiyorum 20 100 88 188 10,123 2019-11-16 20
Abonelik istiyorum 20 100 88 188 10,073 2019-11-16 20
Bbbb 20 100 88 188 10,212 2019-11-29 20