FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | Castro03 | FIFA


Castro03's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
Decent Fam 18 100 86 186 9,829 2018-07-01 18
French League 185 18 100 85 185 9,716 2018-07-01 18
[ NO NAME ] 18-toty 100 88 188 10,064 2018-07-03 18
[ NO NAME ] 18-world-cup 100 86 186 9,838 2018-07-04 wc
[ NO NAME ] 18-mega 100 90 190 10,383 2018-07-05 18
[ NO NAME ] 18 100 85 185 9,828 2018-07-09 18
Good with the draft i had 19-toty 100 87 187 9,995 2019-01-30 19
2nd Draft decent 19 100 86 186 9,884 2019-02-01 19
Should be higher smh 19-icons 100 88 188 10,119 2019-02-01 19
not bad 19-totw 100 85 185 9,777 2019-02-01 19
one chemistry away 19-toty 99 90 189 10,335 2019-02-23 19
guhguh 22 100 89 189 10,281 2022-06-04 22
only 188 22 100 88 188 10,123 2022-06-04 22
saved it somehow 22 100 90 190 10,341 2022-06-04 22
L picks 22 100 87 187 10,006 2022-06-04 22
[ NO NAME ] 22 100 91 191 10,502 2022-06-04 22
big slatt 22 100 91 191 10,506 2022-06-04 22
quandale dingle 22 100 88 188 10,118 2022-06-04 22
eh 22 100 89 189 10,328 2022-06-04 22
finessee 22 100 90 190 10,299 2022-06-06 22
mid 22 100 88 188 10,118 2022-06-06 22
do me better 22 100 89 189 10,382 2022-06-06 22
kinda proud of it 22 100 89 189 10,269 2022-06-07 22
solid yk 22 100 90 190 10,443 2022-06-07 22
tuff 22 100 90 190 10,485 2022-06-07 22
guhguhguh 22 100 88 188 10,111 2022-06-07 22
gosh 22 100 88 188 10,161 2022-06-07 22
darnit 22 100 89 189 10,321 2022-06-07 22
baited once again 22 100 88 188 10,221 2022-06-07 22
cmon bruu 22 100 88 188 10,069 2022-06-07 22
i want better cards 22 100 88 188 10,173 2022-06-09 22
genuinely dk how 22 100 88 188 10,116 2022-06-09 22
tried it 22 100 90 190 10,541 2022-06-09 22
wya striker and goalie 22 100 88 188 10,165 2022-06-09 22
sure 22 100 88 188 10,073 2022-06-09 22
so much potential 22 100 90 190 10,343 2022-06-10 22
coolio 22 100 90 190 10,341 2022-06-10 22
cool 22 100 90 190 10,450 2022-06-11 22
middy 22 100 89 189 10,335 2022-06-11 22
umm 22 100 90 190 10,384 2022-06-11 22
gawk gawk 22 100 90 190 10,396 2022-06-11 22
pele omggg 22 100 92 192 10,555 2022-06-11 22
brain hurts 22 100 90 190 10,385 2022-06-11 22
mannn 22 100 89 189 10,234 2022-06-11 22
eh no se 22 100 89 189 10,230 2022-06-11 22
pele again only 190 22 100 90 190 10,349 2022-06-11 22
scoop di poop 22 100 90 190 10,343 2022-06-11 22
ight i guess 22 100 90 190 10,304 2022-06-13 22
clean af 22 100 91 191 10,456 2022-06-13 22
dame tu cosita 22 100 89 189 10,331 2022-06-13 22
what is this 22 100 88 188 10,117 2022-06-13 22
help please 22 100 90 190 10,437 2022-06-13 22
im nice 22 100 89 189 10,276 2022-06-13 22
how tu mai 22 100 89 189 10,234 2022-06-13 22
fye 22 100 91 191 10,551 2022-06-13 22
great cards no chem 22 93 91 184 9,863 2022-06-13 22
rockstar made 22 100 90 190 10,340 2022-06-13 22
tu sabe 22 100 89 189 10,286 2022-06-14 22
quandale dingle here 22 100 88 188 10,221 2022-06-14 22
higher cards pls 22 100 89 189 10,235 2022-06-14 22
i feel like i fumbled 22 100 90 190 10,393 2022-06-14 22
engger team 22 100 89 189 10,376 2022-06-14 22
cool ig 22 100 90 190 10,390 2022-06-14 22
gosh 22 100 90 190 10,441 2022-06-14 22
pain 22 100 90 190 10,435 2022-06-15 22
sure 22 100 89 189 10,283 2022-06-15 22
noice 22 100 90 190 10,338 2022-06-15 22
defense did me dirty 22 100 90 190 10,443 2022-06-15 22
futwatch this is ur last warni 22 100 89 189 10,424 2022-06-15 22
better cards pls 22 100 89 189 10,236 2022-06-15 22
nun but 190 22 100 90 190 10,483 2022-06-15 22
took an L wit messi 22 100 90 190 10,396 2022-06-15 22
darn 22 100 89 189 10,333 2022-06-15 22
clutch 22 100 90 190 10,389 2022-06-15 22
how 189 22 100 89 189 10,327 2022-06-15 22
pooppy 22 100 87 187 10,048 2022-06-16 22
bench str8 dog 22 100 88 188 10,065 2022-06-16 22
WWW 22 100 91 191 10,455 2022-06-16 22
epiccccccc 22 100 90 190 10,394 2022-06-16 22
insanely mid 22 100 88 188 10,208 2022-06-16 22
helpp 22 100 88 188 10,112 2022-06-16 22
yawnnn 22 100 88 188 10,320 2022-06-17 22
somehow lmao 22 100 90 190 10,482 2022-06-18 22
cant think of a title 22 100 89 189 10,271 2022-06-18 22
cmon gamr 22 100 87 187 9,954 2022-06-18 22
cmon game 22 100 87 187 9,954 2022-06-18 22
tu mai loco 19-toty 100 90 190 10,448 2022-06-18 19
consistent messi fumble 22 100 87 187 9,955 2022-06-18 22
been a minute 22 100 91 191 10,514 2022-06-18 22
chem crazy but need better 22 100 89 189 10,237 2022-06-18 22
bruuuurb 22 100 89 189 10,231 2022-06-18 22
[ NO NAME ] 22 100 90 190 10,342 2022-06-18 22
me gusta 22 100 90 190 10,446 2022-06-18 22
mid asl boi 22 100 88 188 10,114 2022-06-18 22
stgfbxfd 22 100 88 188 10,123 2022-06-18 22
lmao nice striker 22 100 89 189 10,375 2022-06-18 22
yessirrr 22 100 91 191 10,556 2022-06-18 22
eheheh 22 100 88 188 10,069 2022-06-18 22
immaculate 22 100 91 191 10,507 2022-06-18 22
how 189 22 100 89 189 10,389 2022-06-18 22
pain just pain 22 100 89 189 10,331 2022-06-18 22
fsdafd 22 100 88 188 10,264 2022-06-18 22
finesse pt2 22 100 89 189 10,272 2022-06-18 22
dale dale dale 22 100 90 190 10,339 2022-06-18 22
noiiiiiceee 22 100 90 190 10,441 2022-06-18 22
damn 22 100 89 189 10,334 2022-06-18 22
rockstar madeeee 22 100 89 189 10,281 2022-06-18 22
good not great 22 100 89 189 10,284 2022-06-18 22
189 really 22 100 89 189 10,341 2022-06-18 22
sigh 22 100 89 189 10,279 2022-06-18 22
[ NO NAME ] 22 100 89 189 10,186 2022-06-18 22
blushes like a thot 22 100 90 190 10,503 2022-06-19 22
poopoo bru 22 100 88 188 10,217 2022-06-19 22
guhguhguhguh 22 100 89 189 10,277 2022-06-20 22
slurpity slurp 22 100 89 189 10,233 2022-06-20 22
tu sabe locitoo loco 22 100 89 189 10,279 2022-06-22 22
middle of mid 22 100 88 188 10,161 2022-06-22 22
bet 22 100 90 190 10,350 2022-06-22 22
dingleberry 22 100 90 190 10,386 2022-06-23 22
guhguhguhguh 22 100 90 190 10,538 2022-06-23 22
guess so 22 100 89 189 10,427 2022-06-23 22
really 22 100 88 188 10,160 2022-06-23 22
ronaldoo 22 100 89 189 10,279 2022-06-23 22
tu mama chulo 22 100 89 189 10,184 2022-06-24 22
done dirrty 22 100 89 189 10,236 2022-06-24 22
managed it 22 100 89 189 10,285 2022-06-24 22
iiight 22 100 88 188 10,158 2022-06-24 22
lookin ahhhh 22 100 89 189 10,334 2022-06-24 22
guhguhghughug 22 100 89 189 10,184 2022-06-24 22
wut is this formation 22 100 88 188 10,110 2022-06-24 22
ronaldo sama 22 100 88 188 10,073 2022-06-24 22
darnitdarnit 22 100 89 189 10,181 2022-06-24 22
noiceeeeeee 22 100 90 190 10,345 2022-06-24 22
howbrolikereally 22 100 89 189 10,238 2022-06-24 22
all 10s 22 100 90 190 10,398 2022-06-24 22
sswaggg 22 100 88 188 10,221 2022-06-24 22
tusabahue 22 100 90 190 10,447 2022-06-24 22
shit sucks 22 100 88 188 10,160 2022-06-24 22
i come from a generation of ho 22 100 90 190 10,542 2022-06-24 22
sum pain ngl 22 100 91 191 10,449 2022-06-24 22
unconscious obnoxious 22 100 89 189 10,279 2022-06-24 22
esp league 22 100 90 190 10,352 2022-06-24 22
dame lo 22 100 90 190 10,298 2022-06-24 22
dangggg 22 100 89 189 10,279 2022-06-24 22
defence disapoints again 22 100 89 189 10,332 2022-06-24 22
ahh ahhhhh ahhhhh 22 100 88 188 10,167 2022-06-24 22
cosita pa pa 22 100 89 189 10,276 2022-06-25 22
baled out 22 100 90 190 10,439 2022-06-25 22
woopdiscoopdippoop 22 100 88 188 10,169 2022-06-25 22
siiiii 22 100 90 190 10,392 2022-06-25 22
corona 22 100 90 190 10,445 2022-06-25 22
amazin bench 22 100 91 191 10,600 2022-06-25 22
sexy ah squad 22 100 90 190 10,400 2022-06-25 22
settled 22 100 89 189 10,288 2022-06-25 22
mid type beat 22 100 88 188 10,171 2022-06-25 22
hot booty 22 100 88 188 10,210 2022-06-25 22
tu pai locito loco 22 100 89 189 10,223 2022-06-25 22
no se como 22 100 87 187 10,166 2022-06-25 22
fell off 22 100 89 189 10,325 2022-06-25 22
missed 22 100 89 189 10,221 2022-06-25 22
sonny 22 100 90 190 10,539 2022-06-25 22
hella icons 22 100 89 189 10,283 2022-06-26 22
restless 22 100 90 190 10,394 2022-06-26 22
messi but still 188 22 100 88 188 10,172 2022-06-26 22
youll rue the day 22 100 89 189 10,223 2022-06-26 22
better bench pls 22 100 89 189 10,280 2022-06-26 22
[ NO NAME ] 22 100 89 189 10,338 2022-06-26 22
huh 22 100 90 190 10,439 2022-06-26 22
3 96s stil 189 22 100 89 189 10,188 2022-06-26 22
191 yee 22 100 91 191 10,503 2022-06-26 22
99 ronaldo but 189 22 100 89 189 10,332 2022-06-26 22
nice bench but 22 100 89 189 10,322 2022-06-26 22
mehem 22 100 89 189 10,419 2022-06-26 22
diache hue 22 100 89 189 10,239 2022-06-26 22
holy canoli 22 100 91 191 10,566 2022-06-26 22
olifhlashfas 22 100 89 189 10,274 2022-06-26 22
ay shoutout womens rights 22 100 90 190 10,390 2022-06-28 22
wrdski 22 100 89 189 10,288 2022-06-28 22
eh 22 100 89 189 10,323 2022-06-28 22
regardzvcxc 22 100 88 188 10,115 2022-06-28 22
okok 22 100 88 188 10,120 2022-06-28 22
ight yk 22 100 89 189 10,324 2022-06-28 22
gyrwtrrrg 22 100 88 188 10,215 2022-06-28 22
189 excuse me 22 100 89 189 10,238 2022-06-28 22
rockstar in my prime 22 100 89 189 10,173 2022-06-28 22
yessuh slime 22 100 90 190 10,343 2022-06-28 22
fghdtyghc 22 100 87 187 10,054 2022-06-28 22
tu pai tu sabe 22 100 90 190 10,339 2022-06-28 22
5221 190 22 100 90 190 10,435 2022-06-28 22
fdsvaedfadffvf 22 100 89 189 10,283 2022-06-28 22
conchaso 22 100 88 188 10,161 2022-06-28 22
187 my guy 22 100 87 187 10,054 2022-06-28 22
huhuhuhuhhuh 22 100 89 189 10,234 2022-06-28 22
boooooo 22 100 88 188 10,120 2022-06-28 22
si ppapapppoii 22 100 90 190 10,435 2022-06-28 22
ewfdsdsvdsa 22 100 88 188 10,260 2022-06-28 22
ill take it 22 100 90 190 10,444 2022-06-28 22
most chill 191 22 100 91 191 10,499 2022-06-30 22
fddgdrfgdbsd 22 100 89 189 10,274 2022-06-30 22
[ NO NAME ] 22 100 88 188 10,168 2022-06-30 22
pepe 22 100 87 187 10,104 2022-06-30 22
no need 22 100 89 189 10,330 2022-06-30 22
regsdfhdty 22 100 88 188 10,220 2022-06-30 22
barabababa 22 100 89 189 10,375 2022-06-30 22
rockstar activity 22 100 90 190 10,441 2022-06-30 22
settled pt2 22 100 89 189 10,287 2022-06-30 22
cool lil 190 22 100 90 190 10,389 2022-06-30 22
nother cool 190 22 100 90 190 10,397 2022-06-30 22
ye u know 22 100 90 190 10,388 2022-06-30 22
[ NO NAME ] 22 100 90 190 10,444 2022-06-30 22
miudddddd 22 100 89 189 10,229 2022-06-30 22
im pissed 22 93 91 184 9,923 2022-06-30 22
popstar 22 100 89 189 10,279 2022-06-30 22
chillin 22 100 90 190 10,453 2022-06-30 22
mai loco 22 100 90 190 10,388 2022-06-30 22
no proof 22 100 89 189 10,286 2022-06-30 22
tu mama huevvooo 22 100 89 189 10,323 2022-06-30 22
99 ronaldo again 22 100 90 190 10,400 2022-06-30 22
man i suck 22 99 90 189 10,345 2022-07-01 22
finessed the 191 22 100 91 191 10,596 2022-07-01 22
game makes no sense 22 100 89 189 10,222 2022-07-01 22
dfgardfsfdg 22 100 88 188 10,211 2022-07-01 22
jajajajjaa 22 100 88 188 10,170 2022-07-01 22
whole lotta middd 22 100 88 188 10,073 2022-07-01 22
we got the bessst of both worl 22 100 89 189 10,285 2022-07-01 22
ronaldo and ben still fumblee 22 100 90 190 10,391 2022-07-01 22
dodododododododod 22 100 87 187 10,058 2022-07-01 22
coulda beenbeeterrr 22 100 90 190 10,388 2022-07-01 22
tu mai locooooo 22 100 91 191 10,509 2022-07-02 22
its high time 22 100 90 190 10,341 2022-07-02 22
[ NO NAME ] 22 100 89 189 10,288 2022-07-02 22
barely 22 100 91 191 10,496 2022-07-02 22
gegegegegee 22 100 90 190 10,292 2022-07-02 22
clean 190 yk 22 100 90 190 10,447 2022-07-02 22
m m m m midddd 22 100 89 189 10,226 2022-07-02 22
ah eugune 22 100 90 190 10,352 2022-07-02 22
scopppppoooopp 22 100 88 188 10,110 2022-07-02 22
medio 22 100 89 189 10,237 2022-07-02 22
monkey in the 22 100 88 188 10,064 2022-07-02 22
spirit of ice cube 22 100 89 189 10,280 2022-07-02 22
sysyphus 22 100 90 190 10,387 2022-07-02 22
somehow wth 22 100 90 190 10,447 2022-07-02 22
fumbled pt3 22 100 89 189 10,328 2022-07-02 22
mr mid 22 100 89 189 10,282 2022-07-02 22
say it with me middddd 22 100 89 189 10,331 2022-07-02 22
dameeee tucositaa papapapaa 22 100 90 190 10,402 2022-07-02 22
such a mean old man 22 100 89 189 10,284 2022-07-02 22
pulled it off 22 100 90 190 10,485 2022-07-02 22
sum yall need to shut up ngl 22 100 90 190 10,396 2022-07-02 22
your mooommmmm 22 100 89 189 10,323 2022-07-02 22
ye 22 100 89 189 10,421 2022-07-02 22
midder than mid 22 100 89 189 10,287 2022-07-04 22
hear ye hear ye 22 100 89 189 10,289 2022-07-04 22
tusabeeeeee 22 100 88 188 10,068 2022-07-04 22
made rockstar 22 100 89 189 10,341 2022-07-04 22
only 190 is wild ngl 22 100 90 190 10,434 2022-07-04 22
damelooooooooo 22 100 89 189 10,223 2022-07-04 22
dodoodood 22 100 88 188 10,163 2022-07-04 22
lost in the sauce 22 100 89 189 10,239 2022-07-04 22
zu zabe 22 100 89 189 10,426 2022-07-04 22
living in that 21st century 22 100 88 188 10,071 2022-07-04 22
seweyyyyy 22 100 91 191 10,512 2022-07-05 22
what the hell is that bench 22 100 90 190 10,536 2022-07-05 22
ye just mid 22 100 88 188 10,163 2022-07-05 22
potential gone 22 100 89 189 10,239 2022-07-05 22
my only weapon is my stainless 22 100 89 189 10,326 2022-07-05 22
zaamee tu cosita 22 100 89 189 10,239 2022-07-05 22
dameee tuuuuc ositaaaaaaa 22 100 90 190 10,396 2022-07-05 22
tumailocoviejo 22 100 91 191 10,510 2022-07-06 22
strikers carry 22 100 88 188 10,111 2022-07-06 22
maicooo 22 100 90 190 10,290 2022-07-06 22
solido 22 100 90 190 10,339 2022-07-06 22
que fue eso 22 100 90 190 10,338 2022-07-06 22
mama egg 22 100 90 190 10,399 2022-07-06 22
back to back 22 100 90 190 10,406 2022-07-06 22
gentleman 22 100 88 188 10,120 2022-07-06 22
can i get a middd 22 100 89 189 10,276 2022-07-06 22
rockstar3 22 100 90 190 10,541 2022-07-06 22
zammmeee tu cositaaa plsss 22 100 90 190 10,447 2022-07-06 22
idek how just doin things 22 100 90 190 10,441 2022-07-06 22
yuh 22 100 88 188 10,117 2022-07-06 22
cono tu mai 22 100 90 190 10,340 2022-07-06 22
still messed up 22 100 89 189 10,231 2022-07-06 22
mama coica 22 100 90 190 10,391 2022-07-06 22
painnnnnnnnnnn 22 99 90 189 10,443 2022-07-06 22
corny ah n 22 100 90 190 10,434 2022-07-06 22
pa pa 22 100 91 191 10,506 2022-07-06 22
zame lo 22 100 90 190 10,436 2022-07-06 22
poooooooop 22 100 89 189 10,373 2022-07-06 22
actual beauty 22 100 91 191 10,406 2022-07-06 22
yoooo 22 100 89 189 10,275 2022-07-06 22
guhhhhhhh 22 100 88 188 10,159 2022-07-06 22
zabeeeee 22 100 90 190 10,343 2022-07-06 22
ay no 22 100 90 190 10,490 2022-07-06 22
do dod ododoo 22 100 89 189 10,229 2022-07-07 22
[ NO NAME ] 22 100 90 190 10,390 2022-07-07 22
middest bench in draft history 22 100 89 189 10,236 2022-07-07 22
valid ig 22 100 88 188 10,179 2022-07-07 22
know i could do it 22 100 90 190 10,491 2022-07-07 22
3 icons but still L 22 100 88 188 10,111 2022-07-07 22
can i get a non mid bench 22 100 90 190 10,501 2022-07-07 22
masked up 22 100 89 189 10,278 2022-07-07 22
back in blood 22 100 90 190 10,348 2022-07-07 22
wth 22 100 88 188 10,259 2022-07-07 22
[ NO NAME ] 22 97 89 186 10,067 2022-07-07 22
maradona tu mai 22 100 90 190 10,453 2022-07-07 22
like that 22 100 90 190 10,396 2022-07-08 22
cosita 22 100 90 190 10,444 2022-07-08 22
messi and marcelo ona bench 22 100 91 191 10,506 2022-07-08 22
yo 22 100 88 188 10,170 2022-07-08 22
ya mum 22 100 89 189 10,228 2022-07-08 22
different 22 100 91 191 10,553 2022-07-08 22
i aint got no type 22 100 89 189 10,324 2022-07-09 22
defintion of mid 22 100 88 188 10,111 2022-07-09 22
zabeee 22 100 88 188 10,166 2022-07-09 22
mentiroso 22 100 90 190 10,396 2022-07-09 22
keep gettin pele and fumbling 22 100 89 189 10,177 2022-07-09 22
guhhug 22 100 89 189 10,229 2022-07-09 22
worked miraculously 22 100 89 189 10,275 2022-07-09 22
worst bench ever 22 100 88 188 10,068 2022-07-09 22
m m mi mi middddd 22 100 89 189 10,274 2022-07-09 22
ehhhwaehhwwwehwwwww 22 100 88 188 10,161 2022-07-09 22
cosittttaaa 22 100 87 187 10,053 2022-07-09 22
workin it out 22 100 89 189 10,286 2022-07-10 22
last second 191 22 100 91 191 10,442 2022-07-12 22
rockstar madeeee 22 100 90 190 10,394 2022-07-12 22
too tired 22 98 89 187 9,997 2022-07-12 22
dagi dagi da da dagi dagi da p 22 100 89 189 10,329 2022-07-13 22
di di di di 22 100 90 190 10,303 2022-07-13 22
engesp mix wit sum denmark 22 100 89 189 10,434 2022-07-13 22
diki diki da da 22 100 88 188 10,120 2022-07-16 22
lost in a world of corn 22 100 91 191 10,612 2022-07-19 22
ya mum 22 100 90 190 10,343 2022-07-19 22
ya mother 22 100 88 188 10,068 2022-07-19 22
pueergg 22 100 88 188 10,158 2022-07-19 22
climate change 22 100 89 189 10,284 2022-07-22 22
disgustin squad 22 100 91 191 10,495 2022-07-22 22
maiii 22 100 89 189 10,223 2022-07-22 22
wow bench str8 poopoo 22 100 89 189 10,285 2022-07-22 22
W 22 100 91 191 10,455 2022-07-22 22
yeeet 22 100 88 188 10,109 2022-07-22 22
yoo d riding is crazy 22 100 89 189 10,238 2022-07-22 22
gangy 22 100 90 190 10,484 2022-07-22 22
here we go 22 100 89 189 10,283 2022-07-23 22
guhhhhhhhhhhhh 22 100 89 189 10,325 2022-07-23 22
ur honor 22 100 89 189 10,230 2022-07-23 22
f that n 22 100 88 188 10,376 2022-07-23 22
bench never fails to fail 22 100 89 189 10,386 2022-07-24 22
im niceeeee 22 100 90 190 10,326 2022-07-24 22
born sinner the opposite of a 22 100 89 189 10,328 2022-07-30 22
2900 22 100 89 189 10,235 2022-07-30 22
hittin my shoulder 22 100 89 189 10,184 2022-07-30 22
nepunepu 22 100 90 190 10,433 2022-07-30 22
tu sabe loco 22 100 89 189 10,332 2022-08-01 22
dogs 22 100 90 190 10,346 2022-08-01 22
shake summm noww 22 100 88 188 10,223 2022-08-01 22
slatty 22 100 90 190 10,439 2022-08-02 22
yurrrrr 22 100 90 190 10,441 2022-08-02 22
192 after gettin in a car cras 22 100 92 192 10,713 2022-08-04 22
guhhhhhhhhh 22 100 90 190 10,389 2022-08-06 22
cray 22 100 90 190 10,340 2022-08-06 22
[ NO NAME ] 22 100 89 189 10,192 2022-08-06 22
deqfa 22 100 89 189 10,327 2022-08-06 22
miooooo 22 100 89 189 10,178 2022-08-06 22
drop 22 100 89 189 10,276 2022-08-06 22
drop nowww 22 100 90 190 10,452 2022-08-06 22
we brokies 22 100 89 189 10,336 2022-08-07 22
immma libtard 22 100 89 189 10,326 2022-08-07 22
imm likeee thatt 22 100 90 190 10,385 2022-08-07 22
jojojojojojo 22 100 90 190 10,453 2022-08-07 22
anxieetyyyy 22 100 90 190 10,489 2022-08-14 22
light 191 22 100 91 191 10,448 2022-08-14 22
pop that pusss 22 100 89 189 10,281 2022-08-14 22
slatttyyy 22 100 89 189 10,334 2022-08-17 22
slatt 22 100 88 188 10,214 2022-08-17 22
poiuyhgbjk 22 100 89 189 10,284 2022-08-17 22
im spedddddd 22 100 88 188 10,071 2022-08-17 22
[ NO NAME ] 22 100 89 189 10,224 2022-08-21 22
idc what u think 22 100 90 190 10,397 2022-08-21 22
idkkkk 22 100 89 189 10,230 2022-08-21 22
mooissssddddddf 22 100 88 188 10,108 2022-08-21 22
W 22 100 91 191 10,405 2022-08-26 22
safewdsgaerdgra 22 100 89 189 10,232 2022-08-27 22
toko to toko tootoototott 22 100 89 189 10,433 2022-08-27 22