FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | BadMonkey03 | FIFA


BadMonkey03's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
ifhos 20-match 100 89 189 10,326 2020-05-16 20
jrhwe 20-match 100 89 189 10,228 2020-05-16 20
ehg 20-match 100 88 188 10,060 2020-05-16 20
gjkdfgjsioa 20-match 100 88 188 10,108 2020-05-16 20
I HAVE PELE 20-match 100 90 190 10,339 2020-05-16 20
KJWEHIOEGW 20-match 100 89 189 10,285 2020-05-16 20
holy crap 99 striker Pele 20-match 100 90 190 10,287 2020-05-16 20
dvj 20-match 100 90 190 10,342 2020-05-16 20
pa0 20 100 89 189 10,177 2020-05-16 20
dghpiaoselk 20-match 100 86 186 9,891 2020-05-18 20
jhhgsrkhkutd 20-match 100 90 190 10,287 2020-05-19 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 97 89 186 10,003 2020-05-19 20
DFHBIASDFGBOAS 20-match 100 89 189 10,272 2020-05-19 20
i have got pele 20-match 100 89 189 10,223 2020-05-19 20
iouasgeg 20-match 100 89 189 10,335 2020-05-19 20
go away 20-match 100 90 190 10,349 2020-05-19 20
m nNBVC 20-match 100 88 188 10,163 2020-05-19 20
U8EWFIUESFI 20-match 100 89 189 10,324 2020-05-19 20
ODFIHDSPOO 20-match 99 90 189 10,247 2020-05-19 20
KJFGDGSALVDKDSJGLSIDV 20-match 100 89 189 10,376 2020-05-19 20
JHZCBXVKws 20-match 100 89 189 10,184 2020-05-19 20
jhrgoes 20-match 100 88 188 10,200 2020-05-19 20
190 20-match 100 90 190 10,437 2020-05-20 20
99 Maradonna 20-match 100 89 189 10,278 2020-05-20 20
jhfkyjtj 20-match 100 89 189 10,181 2020-05-20 20
kjlfggiuadvsguyafbkjdv 20-match 100 89 189 10,330 2020-05-20 20
94 meesi and 97 icon monments 20-match 100 89 189 10,229 2020-05-20 20
ihodgsiudvuf 20-match 100 90 190 10,336 2020-05-20 20
10088188 20-match 100 88 188 10,122 2020-05-20 20
hbbdshbsd 20-match 100 87 187 10,052 2020-05-20 20
dvuhdviuhdsuycx bkjd7odsiosd 20-match 100 88 188 10,222 2020-05-20 20
ijofghudsghdsi 20-match 100 89 189 10,233 2020-05-20 20
Hsufhhsufi 20-match 100 88 188 10,167 2020-05-26 20
Oh veg is fine but Im not sure 20 100 87 187 9,951 2020-05-26 20
Hi we can have lunch with you 20 100 86 186 9,890 2020-05-26 20
ddfsghcgfg 20-match 100 89 189 10,285 2020-05-28 20
lkfdspouh 20 100 88 188 10,166 2020-05-28 20
hgfjhghth 20 100 89 189 10,331 2020-05-28 20
jbvhdgfcghbjhk 20 100 86 186 9,939 2020-05-28 20
nbvgjccggc 20 100 89 189 10,228 2020-05-28 20
800 need to clap 20 100 89 189 10,233 2020-05-28 20
gsjfgmjfgmfxmn 20 100 89 189 10,229 2020-05-28 20
gasdhgfjhasgcvas 20-match 100 89 189 10,174 2020-05-28 20
dschtdh 20-match 100 87 187 9,952 2020-05-28 20
hgjadso8as 20-match 100 88 188 10,160 2020-06-08 20
toosie slide by drake 20-match 100 89 189 10,266 2020-06-08 20
khdgkdsfg 20 100 90 190 10,350 2020-06-08 20
gasdfg 20 100 89 189 10,229 2020-06-08 20
190 game on 20-match 100 90 190 10,339 2020-06-08 20
ldsgjiherwv 20-match 100 90 190 10,388 2020-06-08 20
kjddgvas 20-match 100 91 191 10,458 2020-06-09 20
yfkudtshgfr 20-match 100 88 188 10,263 2020-06-10 20
van dijk 20-match 100 88 188 10,213 2020-06-10 20
zdfskhfxgaeffyukijlfgx78 20-match 100 89 189 10,325 2020-06-10 20
aefjyarse5twi7o985tae4trtsuy 20-match 100 88 188 10,060 2020-06-10 20
13245354875 20-match 100 89 189 10,232 2020-06-10 20
HOLY SHIT MATE LOOK AT THIS SQ 20-match 100 88 188 10,216 2020-06-12 20
iufsgiufsaiohfguygue3t0734uhds 20-match 100 88 188 10,168 2020-06-13 20
ahguqwa456347 20-match 100 89 189 10,186 2020-06-13 20
ihlargiyhoerknlvugif 20 100 91 191 10,449 2020-06-13 20
DAYERQ432TUYLYDI5W6 20-match 100 87 187 10,008 2020-06-13 20
sfdhgfWAGHERDSFzDFqa 20-match 100 87 187 10,096 2020-06-22 20
syrsrtujdyjkfhkgj 20 100 89 189 10,280 2020-07-04 20
dgsGDHnfdznb 20-match 100 88 188 10,058 2020-07-04 20
djvhaysidgvofslf 20 100 88 188 10,168 2020-07-07 20
dknvsiyga 20-match 98 88 186 9,931 2020-07-07 20
my sister got killed by jules 20-match 100 89 189 10,266 2020-07-08 20
dflklnvbidsglv 20-match 100 89 189 10,219 2020-07-08 20
crap 20-match 100 89 189 10,210 2020-07-08 20
holy moly crap a moley 20 100 91 191 10,511 2020-07-08 20
holy crap 20-match 100 90 190 10,439 2020-07-08 20
holy moly crap a TORTILLA 20-match 100 90 190 10,445 2020-07-11 20
djghgaslgjib 20-match 100 89 189 10,323 2020-07-11 20
fuck Amelia come to 84 westman 20-match 100 89 189 10,230 2020-07-12 20
elewkgjwg 20 100 88 188 10,164 2020-07-12 20
girls like you 20 100 89 189 10,230 2020-07-12 20
i dont care 20 100 89 189 10,224 2020-07-12 20
roeqkwvndh 20 100 88 188 10,103 2020-07-12 20
dance monkey tones 20 100 89 189 10,280 2020-07-12 20
memories by maroon 5 20 100 87 187 9,995 2020-07-12 20
hell yeah 20-match 100 88 188 10,163 2020-07-12 20
jshdgbs 20-match 100 86 186 9,829 2020-07-13 20
fojhsoeib 20 100 88 188 10,122 2020-07-13 20
sdajhgsagv 20 100 87 187 10,001 2020-07-13 20
dfhgsdifkugjerh 20 100 89 189 10,223 2020-07-13 20
erogihpeig 20 100 87 187 9,956 2020-07-13 20
jewogihph 20 100 88 188 10,110 2020-07-13 20
ings is not a tots for the BPL 20-match 100 89 189 10,318 2020-07-14 20
1st draft of the day hell yeah 20-match 100 90 190 10,433 2020-07-15 20
gfydjfyguiuouigyft 20-match 100 89 189 10,323 2020-07-15 20
ijopadgsjhdsaijhodgsa 20-match 100 87 187 10,050 2020-07-15 20
jesus crist 20 100 89 189 10,319 2020-07-15 20
im not complaining 20 100 89 189 10,230 2020-07-15 20
dsjfhgasl 20 100 90 190 10,327 2020-07-15 20
goning broke by Logan Paul 20 100 89 189 10,176 2020-07-15 20
dwjhra 20 100 88 188 10,115 2020-07-15 20
well done 20-match 100 89 189 10,332 2020-07-15 20
not bad for my first draft eve 20-match 100 88 188 10,112 2020-07-16 20
not bad for my second draft of 20-match 100 88 188 10,108 2020-07-16 20
dkjvbhwdlba 20 100 90 190 10,391 2020-07-16 20
jake paulers and logang 4 life 20-match 100 88 188 10,065 2020-07-17 20
sdiokogiuoaskdiovgiuds98 20-match 100 87 187 10,051 2020-07-17 20
ALDFKBNSDKNBMASDPBOI 20-match 100 90 190 10,345 2020-07-17 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,521 2020-07-19 20
kjeghwarukgs 20-match 71 88 159 7,557 2020-07-19 20
jasnblfdbd 20-match 100 88 188 10,165 2020-07-25 20
hahahahahahahaha 20-match 100 88 188 10,166 2020-07-25 20
hehehehehehehehehehehe 20 100 90 190 10,437 2020-07-25 20
868891898590 20-match 100 89 189 10,278 2020-07-28 20
osdjgiog 20-match 100 90 190 10,384 2020-07-28 20
pojgijogiohg 20-match 100 87 187 9,953 2020-07-28 20
ijgersbv 20-match 98 89 187 10,100 2020-07-30 20
rgnsadkb 20-match 100 88 188 10,119 2020-07-30 20
dfbhds 20-match 95 88 183 9,734 2020-07-30 20
eskrnjebfd 20-match 100 89 189 10,278 2020-07-30 20
htjhwrihrthjn 20-match 100 88 188 10,155 2020-07-30 20
JDNVKJASDV 20-match 100 89 189 10,282 2020-08-25 20