FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | hoda | FIFA


hoda's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
YOUSEF 17-toty 100 91 191 10,402 2018-01-12 17
la liga 17 100 87 187 9,955 2018-06-20 17
the best draft 18-wildcard 100 89 189 10,278 2018-08-12 18
yousef super draft 19 100 87 187 9,990 2018-09-30 19
abed 19 100 87 187 9,959 2018-10-02 19
SUPPPEEER 19-icons 100 87 187 9,952 2018-11-08 19
lol abed 188 19 100 88 188 10,211 2019-01-07 19
[ NO NAME ] 19 100 86 186 9,839 2019-01-07 19
yousef 189 lol nice 19-toty 100 89 189 10,166 2019-01-09 19
abed 19-toty 100 88 188 10,059 2019-01-09 19
ABED 187 19 100 87 187 9,942 2019-01-09 19
BEASTS 19 100 87 187 10,005 2019-01-13 19
ABED 186 19 100 86 186 9,840 2019-01-13 19
awsome 19 100 87 187 9,991 2019-01-16 19
yousef 190 19-toty 100 90 190 10,472 2019-01-16 19
yes drafts 19-toty 100 88 188 10,153 2019-02-07 19
kdkdee 19-toty 100 87 187 9,998 2019-02-07 19
abed189 19-toty 100 89 189 10,229 2019-02-07 19
kuhyi 6a 19-toty 100 88 188 10,055 2019-02-08 19
yoyo khaled walid 6a 19-toty 100 90 190 10,338 2019-02-08 19
kj beast 6a tamer yousef 19-toty 100 90 190 10,375 2019-02-09 19
cats beast 6a 19-toty 100 88 188 10,111 2019-02-13 19
[ NO NAME ] 19 90 87 177 9,079 2019-04-07 19
lol omg draft 19 100 90 190 10,392 2019-04-07 19
abed 190 19 100 90 190 10,488 2019-04-11 19
[ NO NAME ] 19 100 89 189 10,179 2019-04-11 19
the beast 19 100 89 189 10,335 2019-04-28 19
the best 18-mega 100 91 191 10,399 2019-04-28 18
191 beasts 18-rm-liverpool 100 91 191 10,399 2019-06-04 18
192 wohoo258 18-rm-liverpool 100 92 192 10,514 2019-06-04 18
[ NO NAME ] 18-rm-liverpool 100 92 192 10,697 2019-06-09 18
[ NO NAME ] 19 100 91 191 10,544 2019-09-08 19
190 draft 20-match 100 90 190 10,348 2020-05-02 20
abed 20-match 74 89 163 7,877 2020-05-02 20
190 draft 20-match 100 90 190 10,390 2020-05-02 20
the best 20-match 100 90 190 10,393 2020-05-02 20
the best 20-match 100 90 190 10,335 2020-05-02 20
vgtvfdwpeo 20-match 100 90 190 10,301 2020-05-02 20
dwjejw 20-match 100 90 190 10,295 2020-05-02 20
gf 20-match 100 89 189 10,236 2020-05-02 20
cdsd 20-match 100 89 189 10,222 2020-05-03 20
ewfwe 20-match 100 90 190 10,289 2020-05-03 20
tr5 20-match 100 89 189 10,232 2020-05-03 20
TEFR 20-match 100 88 188 10,163 2020-05-05 20
67T6YU 20-match 100 89 189 10,238 2020-05-05 20
mbjjg 20-match 100 89 189 10,226 2020-05-06 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 88 188 10,218 2020-05-06 20
jvjg 20-match 100 89 189 10,285 2020-05-06 20
fbd 20-match 100 89 189 10,326 2020-05-06 20
od 20-match 100 89 189 10,182 2020-05-06 20
cgdzs 20-match 99 90 189 10,303 2020-05-06 20
191 20-match 100 91 191 10,406 2020-05-06 20
78 20-match 100 90 190 10,340 2020-05-06 20
omg 20-match 100 92 192 10,572 2020-05-06 20
yu5r4 20-match 100 90 190 10,495 2020-05-06 20
7856 20-match 100 90 190 10,384 2020-05-06 20
kkd 20-match 100 88 188 10,124 2020-05-06 20
191 20-match 100 91 191 10,565 2020-05-09 20
rtg 20-match 100 91 191 10,411 2020-05-09 20
4rrrf 20-match 100 90 190 10,348 2020-05-09 20
191 20-match 100 91 191 10,460 2020-05-09 20
thanos 20-match 100 90 190 10,346 2020-05-10 20
191 20-match 100 91 191 10,558 2020-05-10 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 97 90 187 10,026 2020-05-13 20
cats 20-match 100 89 189 10,235 2020-05-13 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,346 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,392 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,345 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 92 192 10,629 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,353 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 91 191 10,510 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,235 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,179 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,284 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,446 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,297 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 88 188 10,162 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 89 189 10,278 2020-05-15 20
[ NO NAME ] 20-match 100 90 190 10,336 2020-05-15 20