FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | Bayern munic | FIFA 17


Bayern munic's FUT 17 Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
bobo kaka 17-legend 100 86 186 9,827 2016-12-29 17
chem 10 all eng1 17-legend 100 85 185 9,726 2016-12-31 17
ronaldo 96 fits in 17-legend 100 87 187 9,992 2016-12-31 17
empty motherfucker 17-legend 0 0 0 0 2016-12-31 17
messi out 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,984 2017-01-01 17
treadh 17-wildcard 100 86 186 9,926 2017-01-01 17
boop 17-wildcard 99 88 187 10,010 2017-01-01 17
koko 17-wildcard 100 88 188 10,057 2017-01-01 17
messi ronaldo 17-wildcard 100 86 186 9,831 2017-01-01 17
WTF MESSI RONALDO SUAREZ 17-wildcard 100 88 188 10,096 2017-01-01 17
STEANGE 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,939 2017-01-01 17
I HAD TO 17-wildcard 100 87 187 10,034 2017-01-01 17
I HAD TO 2 17-wildcard 97 87 184 9,728 2017-01-01 17
wtf really 188 17-wildcard 100 88 188 10,157 2017-01-01 17
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 17-wildcard 98 87 185 9,812 2017-01-01 17
whwywyw 17-wildcard 100 86 186 9,883 2017-01-01 17
i wished to put reus 17-wildcard 100 87 187 10,041 2017-01-01 17
the worst ger1 team 17-totw15 100 84 184 9,601 2017-01-02 17
wtf why 17-totw15 95 88 183 9,607 2017-01-02 17
poopy fucky shit 17-totw15 100 85 185 9,720 2017-01-02 17
legends 17-legend 100 86 186 9,833 2017-01-02 17
usafghjkbuiohfdxio f hb nfvc 17-legend 100 86 186 9,823 2017-01-02 17
wtfffffffffffffffffff 17-legend 100 88 188 10,101 2017-01-02 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-legend 100 88 188 10,101 2017-01-02 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-legend 97 83 180 9,234 2017-01-03 17
the best i can fuck you all 17-mega 100 88 188 10,055 2017-01-03 17
cooooooool 17-mega 100 88 188 10,196 2017-01-03 17
wowowowiow 17-mega 100 87 187 9,939 2017-01-03 17
asfadgf 17-puzzle5 100 87 187 10,040 2017-01-04 17
wow 17 100 87 187 9,993 2017-01-04 17
cambiassoooooooo 17-legend 100 86 186 9,822 2017-01-05 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-legend 100 87 187 9,936 2017-01-05 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-totw 100 87 187 9,988 2017-01-06 17
fine 17-legend 100 86 186 9,829 2017-01-06 17
finnlay this week was so bad 17-legend 100 86 186 9,820 2017-01-06 17
wow sanchez messi ozil boateng 17-legend 100 88 188 10,052 2017-01-06 17
finaly bundesliga team 17-legend 100 85 185 9,766 2017-01-06 17
q433tgery 17-legend 100 87 187 9,937 2017-01-06 17
cghjhufjf 17-legend 99 87 186 9,862 2017-01-06 17
my real best 17-wildcard 100 88 188 10,101 2017-01-08 17
wtf so bad 17-wildcard 100 85 185 9,707 2017-01-08 17
the best i could 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,982 2017-01-08 17
yollow 17-wildcard 100 87 187 9,933 2017-01-08 17
bundier leauge 17-totw16 100 85 185 9,774 2017-01-08 17
ht 17-wildcard 100 88 188 10,108 2017-01-08 17
calcio a and bundesliga chem 1 17-totw16 100 85 185 9,714 2017-01-09 17
permier fuck 17-totw16 100 86 186 9,832 2017-01-09 17
hijk 17-totw16 100 84 184 9,605 2017-01-09 17
wowowowoowowow 17-legend 100 87 187 9,952 2017-01-09 17
messi ronaldo modric 17-legend 100 86 186 9,876 2017-01-09 17
wowowowowowoowo 17-legend 100 87 187 10,002 2017-01-09 17
wowowoowoowowowdooaweofoaweowo 17-toty 100 88 188 10,053 2017-01-09 17
vyhgbhyhgvb v 17-toty 100 86 186 9,832 2017-01-09 17
good but without team rating 17-toty 100 87 187 9,945 2017-01-09 17
wtf team rating 17-toty 92 88 180 9,346 2017-01-09 17
nnmknmlm 17-toty 100 86 186 9,827 2017-01-09 17
wow 17-toty 100 89 189 10,209 2017-01-09 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-toty 99 88 187 10,008 2017-01-09 17
hasdjasdbjsafdmn 17-toty 100 87 187 10,034 2017-01-10 17
zil 17-toty 100 88 188 10,051 2017-01-10 17
edw n 17-toty 100 87 187 9,938 2017-01-10 17
wowowowowwow 17-toty 100 87 187 9,996 2017-01-10 17
ududjvfndfvhjsdf ndfxcb nn gbv 17-toty 100 88 188 10,101 2017-01-10 17
whzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 17-toty 100 86 186 9,875 2017-01-10 17
TVTGHYFDTFH6YRM 17-mega 100 88 188 10,063 2017-01-10 17
WWWWWW 17-mega 100 87 187 10,006 2017-01-10 17
WOWOWOWOOWOWOOW 17-mega 100 88 188 10,050 2017-01-10 17
NNNNNNNNNNEMBOLO LAZ 17-mega 98 87 185 9,825 2017-01-10 17
sergio ramos toty 17-toty 100 90 190 10,264 2017-01-12 17
wowowowoowowowwowoowowowowow 17-toty 100 90 190 10,281 2017-01-12 17
great 17-toty 100 89 189 10,161 2017-01-12 17
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 17-toty 100 87 187 10,044 2017-01-12 17
wtf what the hell oh my god 19 17-toty 100 91 191 10,442 2017-01-12 17
aosdjioasydhjgv 17-toty 100 90 190 10,279 2017-01-12 17
done bad 17-toty 100 88 188 10,058 2017-01-12 17
i didnt expect that 17-toty 100 91 191 10,388 2017-01-12 17
popo kaka 17-toty 100 91 191 10,439 2017-01-13 17
wowowowowow 17-toty 100 90 190 10,281 2017-01-16 17
my 3rd best 17-toty 100 89 189 10,169 2017-01-16 17
done bundes 17-toty 100 87 187 9,984 2017-01-16 17
190 neuer suarez messi ronaldo 17-toty 100 90 190 10,271 2017-01-16 17
de gea lw ronaldo 17-toty 100 91 191 10,449 2017-01-16 17
bololollL 17-toty 100 91 191 10,385 2017-01-16 17
not perfect but i like 17-toty 100 90 190 10,277 2017-01-17 17
preaty awsome 17-mega 100 89 189 10,221 2017-01-17 17
at 188 17-toty 100 88 188 10,049 2017-01-19 17
bloblabley 17-toty 100 86 186 9,827 2017-01-19 17
nnot bad 17-toty 100 87 187 9,935 2017-01-19 17
wow 17-toty 100 90 190 10,268 2017-01-19 17
4 legens 2 totys 1 94 neymar d 17-toty 100 89 189 10,171 2017-01-19 17
good team 17-toty 100 89 189 10,175 2017-01-19 17
wowowow 17-toty 100 90 190 10,280 2017-01-19 17
adasdsadasdas 17-legend 100 87 187 9,946 2017-01-20 17
[ NO NAME ] 17 100 86 186 9,876 2017-01-22 17
done 17 100 86 186 9,835 2017-01-22 17
not ba 17-legend 100 87 187 9,937 2017-01-22 17
not bad 17-legend 100 87 187 9,937 2017-01-22 17
very good 17-legend 100 88 188 10,052 2017-01-22 17
hohohoho 17-legend 100 88 188 10,112 2017-01-22 17
okay 17-toty 100 88 188 10,046 2017-01-23 17
wow dont look at the team rati 17-legend 100 87 187 9,992 2017-02-06 17
what why 188 17-legend 100 88 188 10,148 2017-02-06 17
nomanga 17-legend 100 88 188 10,146 2017-02-06 17
legends team i am really happy 17-legend 100 91 191 10,509 2017-02-07 17
The Best Ever 17-toty 100 96 196 11,124 2017-02-07 17
The Best 17-toty 100 95 195 10,910 2017-02-07 17
Really The Best You Will Never 17-toty 100 96 196 11,022 2017-02-07 17
grerat team of legends and tot 17-toty 100 95 195 10,968 2017-02-09 17
wow this is my best ever 17-toty 100 95 195 10,875 2017-03-07 17
what a team 8 legends 1 toty 1 17-legend 100 92 192 10,614 2017-03-08 17
what a team full toty no inies 17-toty 100 95 195 10,902 2017-03-09 17
mn 17-puzzle2 100 86 186 9,832 2017-03-26 17
wow dude what a team 17-legend 100 90 190 10,284 2017-03-26 17
finally full chem 17 0 0 0 0 2017-03-29 17
wowwoow 17-totw29 100 90 190 10,343 2017-04-06 17
what the freaking awsome team 17-mega 100 90 190 10,348 2017-05-16 17
the awsome team of ger1 17-mega 100 88 188 10,165 2017-05-16 17
fucken qwsome team 17-tots 100 92 192 10,576 2017-05-22 17
really awsome team 17-mega 100 91 191 10,446 2017-05-30 17
the best team ever because i a 17-tots 100 95 195 11,007 2017-05-30 17
perfetto 17-juve-realmadrid 100 90 190 10,291 2017-06-05 17
jajajo 17-tots 0 0 0 0 2017-06-05 17
9 FCB RONAL STIN 17-mega 100 94 194 10,796 2017-06-06 17
nogat 17-germany-chile 100 90 190 10,296 2017-07-16 17
good great awsome 17-germany-chile 100 90 190 10,354 2017-07-16 17
a really awsome team 17-mega 100 90 190 10,386 2017-07-25 17
just a bit of fixes 17-mega 100 90 190 10,293 2017-07-25 17
tdghjk 17-germany-chile 100 88 188 10,125 2017-08-14 17
hhg 17-tots 100 87 187 9,955 2017-12-22 17
erf 17-mega 100 90 190 10,383 2018-02-20 17