FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | TFerrari4 | FIFA 17


TFerrari4's FUT 17 Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
Sweet Draft 17 95 84 179 9,230 2017-02-06 17
185 17 100 85 185 9,714 2017-02-06 17
CRAP 17 97 86 183 9,559 2017-02-08 17
hbgyvyuh 17 88 86 174 8,803 2017-02-08 17
167 17 83 84 167 8,216 2017-02-08 17
Alright 17 92 85 177 9,023 2017-02-08 17
LETS GO 17 91 88 179 9,353 2017-02-08 17
gvighbj 17 88 84 172 8,598 2017-02-08 17
2 LEGENDS 17 92 87 179 9,247 2017-02-08 17
184 SO CLOSE 17 99 85 184 9,621 2017-02-08 17
Wicked 17 97 84 181 9,393 2017-02-08 17
185 17 100 85 185 9,707 2017-02-08 17
3 LEGENDS AND A 186 17 100 86 186 9,827 2017-02-08 17
So close 17 100 84 184 9,645 2017-02-08 17
184 17 100 84 184 9,609 2017-02-08 17
HOW 17 96 86 182 9,532 2017-02-08 17
so close 17 100 86 186 9,875 2017-02-08 17
iuj 17 100 82 182 9,371 2017-02-08 17
COME ON 17 100 85 185 9,701 2017-02-09 17
GRRR 17 100 85 185 9,711 2017-02-09 17
185 One legend 17 100 85 185 9,724 2017-02-09 17
COMEON 17 100 85 185 9,768 2017-02-09 17
186 17 100 86 186 9,826 2017-02-10 17
cnjcn 17 100 85 185 9,767 2017-02-11 17
comeon 17 100 85 185 9,770 2017-02-12 17
188 OMG HIGHSCORE 17-puzzle14 100 88 188 10,094 2017-02-12 17
alright 17 100 85 185 9,711 2017-02-13 17
188 17-toty 100 88 188 10,051 2017-02-13 17
Horrible 17 100 85 185 9,699 2017-02-13 17
FRONT 3 OMG 17-legend 100 87 187 9,941 2017-02-13 17
186 17-legend 100 86 186 9,874 2017-02-13 17
Trash 17-legend 100 84 184 9,593 2017-02-13 17
Alright 17-puzzle13 100 87 187 9,991 2017-02-14 17
dvfs 17-toty 100 86 186 9,824 2017-02-14 17
agrdsyulbvi 17 100 85 185 9,720 2017-02-14 17
Good Luck 17 100 86 186 9,874 2017-02-15 17
ftgviyubhl 17 100 86 186 9,926 2017-02-15 17
fdsv 17-wildcard 100 85 185 9,707 2017-02-17 17
etfvegbr 17 100 87 187 9,984 2017-02-17 17
jhb 17 100 84 184 9,696 2017-02-17 17
loikmuyjnbthrgvf 17-toty 100 87 187 9,983 2017-02-17 17
cdefvgrt 17-toty 100 88 188 10,106 2017-02-17 17
MESSI 17-toty 100 87 187 9,941 2017-02-22 17
awsderfvgtyujkimnhgfcd 17 100 87 187 9,930 2017-02-22 17
Lets GOOOOOOOOO 17-toty 100 91 191 10,444 2017-02-23 17
kjihbg 17 100 87 187 9,992 2017-02-23 17
alright ig 17-toty 100 88 188 10,102 2017-02-28 17
mklnbjhgcfdx 17 100 85 185 9,770 2017-03-02 17
zswdcf 17-toty 97 87 184 9,820 2017-03-06 17
qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm 17 100 86 186 9,825 2017-03-10 17
Not bad 17-toty 100 87 187 9,991 2017-03-14 17
likujyhtfred 17-toty 100 86 186 9,873 2017-03-14 17
Chemestry whats that 17 61 87 148 6,649 2017-03-16 17
ITS A RAINBOW TEAM 17-toty 79 88 167 8,251 2017-03-16 17
5 LEGENDS 17-england-germany 100 87 187 9,995 2017-04-03 17
OMGGGGG 17 100 88 188 10,122 2017-05-01 17
HORRIBLE 17-legend 99 85 184 9,644 2017-08-17 17
mvdbgf 17 100 85 185 9,775 2017-11-29 17