FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | bennett jibi | FIFA 17


bennett jibi's FUT 17 Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
THE SUPER DRAFT 17-puzzle3 70 84 154 7,084 2017-05-26 17
17-legend 96 85 181 9,435 2017-05-26 17
bbxxbb mbgngfgdfbfvvssv 17-legend 100 86 186 9,889 2017-06-26 17
kkj 17-legend 100 86 186 9,885 2017-06-26 17
vcxzvfjjhgfgtuitrehygtd 17-legend 100 87 187 10,001 2017-06-26 17
good draft 17-toty 100 90 190 10,328 2017-06-26 17
89 draft 17-toty 100 89 189 10,214 2017-06-26 17
the d66666666666666666666666 d 17-toty 82 88 170 8,465 2017-06-26 17
m nbbnm878ujgtoji ihrugh5hgjyu 17-mega 100 87 187 10,045 2017-06-27 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-mega 100 89 189 10,269 2017-06-27 17
12345678910qwertyuiopasdfghjkl 17-mega 100 89 189 10,364 2017-06-27 17
lkjvcjivccgfeee5bf gdtrrseebrr 17-wildcard 100 89 189 10,171 2017-07-01 17
the goodd 6draft 17-puzzle1 92 86 178 9,195 2017-07-01 17
the goooo6draft 17-puzzle3 100 88 188 10,056 2017-07-03 17
kjmfbfvdc 17-toty 100 87 187 10,047 2017-07-26 17
rdtfty87tgfgtyu9iouhjjpopijuio 17-legend 100 86 186 9,833 2018-03-19 17