FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | Squirrel5224 | FIFA


Squirrel5224's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
TOTY and Legends toty 100 87 187 9,957 2016-03-18 16
[ NO NAME ] toty 100 87 187 10,005 2016-03-21 16
Purple toty 97 87 184 9,807 2016-03-22 16
Messi Ronaldo toty 100 86 186 9,899 2016-03-22 16
Legends legend 100 87 187 10,011 2016-03-23 16
Bayern toty 100 85 185 9,787 2016-03-24 16
Pele legend 96 87 183 9,716 2016-03-24 16
188 puzzle3 100 88 188 10,071 2016-03-28 16
Pele legend 100 86 186 9,898 2016-03-28 16
[ NO NAME ] legend 100 85 185 9,730 2016-03-29 16
188 legend 100 88 188 10,078 2016-03-29 16
Pogba toty 96 86 182 9,604 2016-04-01 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 9,953 2016-04-02 16
Pele wildcard 100 87 187 10,014 2016-04-02 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 10,008 2016-04-02 16
188 Wild wildcard 100 88 188 10,075 2016-04-02 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 10,117 2016-04-02 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 9,961 2016-04-02 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 9,957 2016-04-02 16
186 legend 100 86 186 9,845 2016-04-03 16
186 legend 100 86 186 9,945 2016-04-03 16
186 legend 100 86 186 9,852 2016-04-03 16
187 legend 100 87 187 10,006 2016-04-03 16
187 legend 100 87 187 9,970 2016-04-03 16
187 toty 100 87 187 9,958 2016-04-04 16
184 puzzle6 100 84 184 9,664 2016-04-04 16
188 so close to 189 legend 100 88 188 10,074 2016-04-04 16
188 joke legend 100 88 188 10,185 2016-04-04 16
187 legend 100 87 187 10,015 2016-04-04 16
186 toty 100 86 186 9,947 2016-04-04 16
189 almost 190 toty 100 89 189 10,242 2016-04-04 16
187 toty 100 87 187 9,962 2016-04-04 16
188 toty 100 88 188 10,122 2016-04-04 16
187 toty 100 87 187 10,009 2016-04-04 16
187 legend 100 87 187 10,070 2016-04-05 16
18 legend 100 86 186 9,892 2016-04-05 16
9937 legend 100 86 186 9,849 2016-04-05 16
9821 legend 100 86 186 9,851 2016-04-05 16
9912 legend 100 86 186 9,853 2016-04-05 16
9937 legend 100 87 187 10,059 2016-04-05 16
186 Pele Ronaldo legend 100 86 186 9,850 2016-04-06 16
186 legend 100 86 186 9,943 2016-04-06 16
186 legend 100 86 186 9,948 2016-04-06 16
187 almost legend 100 87 187 10,065 2016-04-06 16
186 legend 100 86 186 9,902 2016-04-07 16
4 Legends legend 100 86 186 9,849 2016-04-07 16
187 legend 100 87 187 10,006 2016-04-07 16
4 legends legend 100 86 186 9,899 2016-04-07 16
almost 188 legend 100 87 187 9,963 2016-04-07 16
187 legend 100 87 187 10,007 2016-04-07 16
DDDDDD legend 100 86 186 9,847 2016-04-07 16
188 toty 100 88 188 10,076 2016-04-08 16
188 toty 100 88 188 10,120 2016-04-08 16
BEAST wildcard 100 86 186 9,950 2016-04-09 16
187 Featuring PEL wildcard 100 87 187 9,964 2016-04-09 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 10,053 2016-04-09 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 10,011 2016-04-09 16
188 almost wildcard 100 87 187 9,968 2016-04-09 16
189 almost wildcard 100 88 188 10,072 2016-04-09 16
188 Poor Maldini wildcard 100 88 188 10,129 2016-04-10 16
188 wildcard 100 88 188 10,125 2016-04-10 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 10,004 2016-04-10 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 9,962 2016-04-10 16
187 toty 100 87 187 10,009 2016-04-10 16
188 toty 100 88 188 10,124 2016-04-10 16
188 toty 100 88 188 10,133 2016-04-11 16
188 almost 189 toty 100 88 188 10,134 2016-04-11 16
188 toty 100 88 188 10,133 2016-04-11 16
187 toty 100 87 187 10,057 2016-04-11 16
188 toty 100 88 188 10,084 2016-04-11 16
187 legend 100 87 187 9,967 2016-04-13 16
187 legend 100 87 187 10,007 2016-04-13 16
188 legend 100 88 188 10,171 2016-04-14 16
188 toty 100 88 188 10,079 2016-04-14 16
187 toty 100 87 187 10,016 2016-04-14 16
187 legend 100 87 187 9,959 2016-04-15 16
[ NO NAME ] wildcard 98 87 185 9,833 2016-04-16 16
PELE wildcard 100 86 186 9,899 2016-04-16 16
186 almost 187 legend 100 86 186 9,853 2016-04-19 16
187 hero suarez legend 100 87 187 10,014 2016-04-21 16
185 puzzle12 100 85 185 9,830 2016-04-21 16
188 wildcard 100 88 188 10,182 2016-05-07 16
188 wildcard 100 88 188 10,083 2016-05-07 16
187 puzzle13 100 87 187 9,960 2016-05-09 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 10,009 2016-05-14 16
187 wildcard 100 87 187 10,113 2016-05-15 16
BPL DRAFT tots 100 86 186 9,841 2016-05-16 16
188 tots 100 88 188 10,124 2016-05-16 16
187 tots 100 87 187 10,007 2016-05-19 16
188 wildcard 100 88 188 10,050 2016-05-21 16
189 legend 100 89 189 10,212 2016-05-22 16
188 legend 100 88 188 10,045 2016-05-22 16
189 legend 100 89 189 10,222 2016-05-23 16
188 legend 100 88 188 10,066 2016-05-23 16
187 tots 100 87 187 9,995 2016-05-23 16
189 mega 100 89 189 10,226 2016-05-23 16
189 mega 100 89 189 10,219 2016-05-24 16
190 finally mega 100 90 190 10,326 2016-05-24 16
190 mega 100 90 190 10,315 2016-05-24 16
uggg champfinal 99 90 189 10,176 2016-05-24 16
189 champfinal 100 89 189 10,169 2016-05-24 16
190 champfinal 100 90 190 10,380 2016-05-24 16
[ NO NAME ] champfinal 100 89 189 10,225 2016-05-25 16
190 champfinal 100 90 190 10,324 2016-05-25 16
190 champfinal 100 90 190 10,324 2016-05-25 16
189 legend 100 89 189 10,220 2016-05-25 16
189 champfinal 100 89 189 10,223 2016-05-26 16
190 champfinal 100 90 190 10,277 2016-05-26 16
189 champfinal 100 89 189 10,174 2016-05-26 16
190 champfinal 100 90 190 10,326 2016-05-30 16
almost 191 champfinal 100 90 190 10,278 2016-05-30 16
190 mega 100 90 190 10,377 2016-05-30 16
uhhh mega 97 90 187 10,110 2016-05-31 16
[ NO NAME ] puzzle15 99 87 186 9,854 2016-06-01 16
188 legend 100 88 188 10,100 2016-06-02 16
189 wildcard 100 89 189 10,307 2016-06-03 16
188 legend 100 88 188 10,110 2016-06-06 16
189 mega 100 89 189 10,220 2016-06-06 16
uhhh mega 98 90 188 10,198 2016-06-07 16
191 for the first time mega 100 91 191 10,437 2016-06-07 16
190 legend 100 90 190 10,325 2016-06-08 16
189 legend 100 89 189 10,160 2016-06-08 16
189 wildcard 100 89 189 10,175 2016-06-10 16
189 wildcard 100 89 189 10,214 2016-06-11 16
[ NO NAME ] wildcard 100 88 188 10,160 2016-06-11 16
[ NO NAME ] wildcard 97 88 185 9,837 2016-06-12 16
pele wildcard 100 88 188 10,107 2016-06-12 16
189 mega 100 89 189 10,159 2016-06-14 16
187 tots 100 87 187 9,987 2016-06-16 16
188 euromega2 100 88 188 10,106 2016-07-09 16
187 euromega2 100 87 187 9,994 2016-07-11 16
tots 188 euromega2 100 88 188 10,048 2016-07-11 16
PELLLLEEEE 17-legend 100 88 188 10,102 2017-01-06 17
188 17-mega 100 88 188 10,157 2017-01-24 17
190 17-mega 100 90 190 10,326 2017-01-24 17
totys and legends 17-mega 100 91 191 10,394 2017-01-24 17
Best 17-mega 100 90 190 10,350 2017-02-21 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-mega 100 91 191 10,483 2017-03-28 17