FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | sub to pewdiepie or | FIFA


sub to pewdiepie or 's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
prem 19-icons 100 90 190 10,284 2019-06-15 19
liga 19-icons 100 89 189 10,284 2019-06-15 19
bane of arthropods 20 100 87 187 10,154 2020-04-22 20
smite 19-toty 100 92 192 10,565 2020-04-22 19
mof 22-match 100 89 189 10,231 2022-06-16 22
chin 22-match 100 88 188 10,211 2022-06-16 22
dyba 22-match 100 88 188 10,167 2022-06-16 22
bye bye 22-match 100 89 189 10,285 2022-06-16 22
bvals 22-match 100 90 190 10,396 2022-06-16 22
gaga 22-match 100 90 190 10,443 2022-06-16 22
p 22-match 100 89 189 10,328 2022-06-17 22
k 22-match 100 87 187 10,251 2022-06-17 22
z 22-match 100 87 187 10,049 2022-06-17 22
g 22-match 100 90 190 10,385 2022-06-17 22
u 22-match 100 88 188 10,068 2022-06-17 22
6 22-match 100 89 189 10,280 2022-06-17 22
h 22-match 100 89 189 10,266 2022-06-17 22
w 22-match 100 89 189 10,184 2022-06-17 22
q 22-match 100 88 188 10,160 2022-06-17 22
0 22-match 100 87 187 9,998 2022-06-17 22
r 22-match 100 87 187 10,062 2022-06-17 22
g 22-match 100 90 190 10,388 2022-06-17 22
f 22-match 100 87 187 10,111 2022-06-18 22
[ NO NAME ] 22-match 100 89 189 10,173 2022-06-18 22
a 22-match 100 88 188 10,213 2022-06-18 22
[ NO NAME ] 22-match 97 88 185 9,896 2022-06-18 22
z 22-match 100 88 188 10,121 2022-06-18 22
r 22-match 100 90 190 10,389 2022-06-18 22
[ NO NAME ] 22-match 100 89 189 10,278 2022-06-18 22
we 22-match 100 87 187 10,055 2022-06-18 22
gt 22-match 100 88 188 10,317 2022-06-18 22
sd 22-match 98 88 186 9,895 2022-06-18 22
l 22-match 100 88 188 10,119 2022-06-18 22
w 22-match 100 88 188 10,166 2022-06-18 22
y 22-match 100 88 188 10,166 2022-06-21 22
k 22-match 100 89 189 10,245 2022-06-22 22
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 22-match 100 89 189 10,229 2022-06-22 22
j 22-match 100 88 188 10,215 2022-06-22 22
hbujyyy 22-match 100 89 189 10,429 2022-06-22 22
h 22-match 100 89 189 10,183 2022-06-22 22
f 22-match 100 89 189 10,336 2022-06-23 22
m 22-match 100 89 189 10,328 2022-06-23 22
[ NO NAME ] 22-match 100 87 187 9,957 2022-06-23 22
vg 22-match 100 88 188 10,212 2022-06-23 22
a 22-match 100 88 188 10,221 2022-06-29 22
u 22-match 100 89 189 10,242 2022-07-01 22
d 22-match 100 88 188 10,069 2022-07-01 22
w 22-match 100 89 189 10,277 2022-07-01 22
w 22 100 89 189 10,177 2022-07-01 22
i 22 100 88 188 10,151 2022-07-01 22
q 22 99 90 189 10,248 2022-07-01 22
a 22 100 87 187 10,000 2022-07-01 22
a 22 100 89 189 10,237 2022-07-01 22
tf 23 100 87 187 9,943 2023-07-08 23
dog 23-match 100 88 188 10,108 2023-07-08 23