FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | AlwaysMrCheese | FIFA


AlwaysMrCheese's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
okay puzzle6 100 84 184 9,723 2016-04-05 16
PLEASE BE THE BEST puzzle6 100 87 187 10,009 2016-04-05 16
PLEASE BE GOOD puzzle6 100 87 187 10,062 2016-04-05 16
WHAT RATING puzzle6 100 87 187 10,005 2016-04-05 16
IDK THE BEST puzzle6 100 87 187 10,006 2016-04-06 16
OKAY puzzle6 100 87 187 9,953 2016-04-06 16
NICEEEE puzzle6 100 87 187 10,108 2016-04-06 16
WTF puzzle6 100 87 187 9,967 2016-04-06 16
OKAY toty 100 89 189 10,241 2016-04-08 16