FUT Draft Simulator | User Drafts | The FIFA playa | FIFA


The FIFA playa's FUT Drafts

Draft Name Type Chemistry Rating Total Score Date
Op toty 94 88 182 9,598 2016-04-19 16
Mum legend 94 86 180 9,358 2016-06-02 16
Fat boy tots 89 85 174 8,830 2016-06-09 16
Omg fc legend 100 88 188 10,102 2016-06-09 16
Op legend 100 87 187 10,043 2016-06-10 16
Full special card draft wildcard 54 86 140 5,930 2016-06-12 16
Nan tots 69 88 157 7,325 2016-06-13 16
The transfer4 94 85 179 9,206 2016-08-19 16
Whyyyyy 17-puzzle19 99 85 184 9,720 2017-03-11 17
[ NO NAME ] 17 100 86 186 9,832 2017-04-03 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-toty 100 87 187 9,933 2017-04-10 17
[ NO NAME ] 17-legend 100 87 187 9,938 2017-04-14 17
Awesome 191 17-mega 100 91 191 10,450 2017-05-09 17